
Whats the usecase outside of the west coast? In the midwest and northeast summers are too damn hot and humid to use them and winters are far far too cold. In the south west you will melt in the summer, in the south east, its more humid so you will boil. So for most of the country this is only going ot be an option for

They should start with Trumps wife

So how much does Putain pay per post comrade?

The trade makes the dead cap space property of the Raiders not the Jets.

The piles of cinderblocks its knocking down don’t look like they are built to code. I wonder how it would fair v an actual building

defibrillator wouldn’t have helped her son.

nope you are wrong. CPR to restart the heart, if its restarable. CPR doesn’t always work. an AED is useless for starting a stopped heart.

Depends on where you are. in texas you are Mexican, in florida you are Cuban

On the plus side, At least its cleveland, giving everyone a reason to root for Golden state.

This may hold some weight if they complained about an american women. The british SOE had active female agents that parachuted behind german lines that were combat trained. they actively fought alongside the French resistance.

Remember this is the same group that claimed that gamergate was about the integrity of the video game press(a world that has never had integrity)

Any password is going to be hard to remember and hackable. The answer is a pass sentence. That will have far more entropy then any password you come up with.

well you were literally saying brazen racism is a recent occurrence, again it isn’t.

Meh They have been acting like this all along. the world is just paying more attention now

Nope, we don’t owe each other anything. Your ideas leads to “if she was just nicer to him” victim blaming

Nextdoor posters are just youtube posters who don’t like to cuss

Remember Hobby Lobby is run by a religious cult (the same cult Palin belongs to, also connected to amway) My guess is its corporate policy to call the cops on any minority.

how the hell am I going to keep myself from drinking what I have. this is very good whisky

Ok the one guy that said avoid the plans is nuts. We did the math, figuring average bills at the restaurants we wanted to eat at the dining plan is the same or cheaper.

Unless you are bringing your own food, or watching your food budget like a hawk you will not save money. And sure you can do those things, but that’s

Yea, the Bubba thing, that’s not a “hack” its just being an asshole.