See, the tweet about every member of k street vanishing...why did he say it like it was a bad thing. If every person who was part of K Street was rounded up and shot, the country would be a lot better off.
See, the tweet about every member of k street vanishing...why did he say it like it was a bad thing. If every person who was part of K Street was rounded up and shot, the country would be a lot better off.
I have been trying to explain this to folks all damn year. it’s not trumps fault (yes he’s a scumbag, but he didn’t make people racist). Clinton was president when I was refused an apartment because the landlady didn’t rent to wetbacks.Bush 1 was president when my white friends would send me into a store first,…
Have you ever actually been in a Dorm? or outside of whatever small town in russia you troll from? If you called the cops every time you saw someone you didn’t recognize you would be on the Phone every damn minute. This isn’t normal, you are insane.
This is a pretty good look at it
They pulled their 14 year olds out last year. This move had been coming for years. it was just a question of when. Everyone at national was expecting it. A number of them were hoping it would come sooner.
Well, a number of folks at all levels inside scouts have been pushing for more inclusive policies for decades. One major obstacle stood in our way every damn time. The Mormons and their money. Now that they have taken their ball and gone home (along with the evangelicals, off to their Nazi Youth/Heritage boys org)…
Umm, the mormons in positions of power at national had been the biggest group pushing the coverups
To be fair, the mormons factory troops whipping out undeserving 13 year old eagle scouts was diluting the meaning of the rank. so while it still has some value, its not as impressive as it once was.
Nope, cable companies operate like post breakup baby bells. As bad as comcast is, it is nothing like old AT&T. you literally had no choice nationwide as to who your phone provider was. Nor could you buy a phone, you had to use the phone that AT&T provided and pay for it every month. you were not allowed to connect…
Old At&T was about as bad as a monopoly could get. Back then you couldn’t own a phone and had to have AT&T lineman install it (as well as any internal wiring) and then pay them a monthly rental charge for your home phone. They were the only phone company so they could charge whatever they wanted, long distance where…
Ahh good old pay to play. it’s what got governor good hair tossed in the clink.
Admittedly this was a Denny’s.
It does make it less scary for the stupid. It doesn’t make it safer, they just feel better.
To be fair, Urbie is the most OP mech in the game. on Urbie could take out entire division, and thats without the Urbie nuke.
A friend of mine had this growing up. The game itself was basically garbage, but it did prep us for the coming of dance dance revolution
No blank text box. It walks you through via questions
Dude, don’t open your mouth if you have no idea what you are talking about. Mechwarrior was the tabletop RPG in the late 80s/early90s. long before the video game.
Huh, I haven’t had that issue. Planned out my path of attack, isolated enemies and destroyed them. four story missions so far, and all have been cake walks with some planning
Because to Clinton fans everything she does is by definition right and good.