
Of course Hillary loves him, she’s a warhawk. anything that gets another war going in the middle east has her approval

That’s insulting Jeff Fisher. at least his teams eventually tanked for draft picks.

Wait, there is still a Derrick Rose apologist? Really??

As a lifelong Bulls fan I kinda feel bad for the Wolves fans...Look Thibs is not a good coach...sure he can get you “try hard wins” in the regular season when smart teams are coasting, but his offensive planing is horrific and he can’t manage his players.

Even better than that. The Judge was initalie ok with keeping the disclosure hidden. A third party lawyer representing a consortium of the major news networks, including Fox News successfully argued that the press had a first amendment right ot know the name.

Hannity, if you never paid him for anything, you never retained him as your lawyer so you never had attorney client privilege. It doesn’t matter if you asked for it, unless he was acting as your attorney in a professional (paid) relationship there is no privilege.

They key here is this phrase

That was exactly my wifes experience, Oh and as soon as any of the various celiac vaccines/enzimes pan out she is going on a bread bender

The grocery stores are typically not the problem. its restaurants. asshole chains like Jason’s Deli, they advertise gluten free, they list items as gluten free then they user the same prep space and items so you have rampant cross contamination.

The Deadspin march madness reply to all has been running for years...years.

Or, the other possibility is that Hillary, who actively advocated expanding and escalating the wars in the middle east agrees with Pompeo.


hydraulic pressure. a pump or a reservoir at a higher level then the top of the hill.

There are other mechanics out there. I love the check digit style (inomine is a good example) one die (or in inomine 2d6) rolled v a target number to see if you succeed the second die to determine level of success  

Meh, kids these days have it so easy. Shadowrun was a light, fast, non crunchy system when it came out. systems like Millennium’s end, and Aliens...those were some hard core simulations.

Interestingly Shadowrun and vampire are derivatives of the same game engine.

So you mention Pathfinder, that is basically just a DnD setting. (literally its DnD 3.5 with a little extra complexity tacked on) and no mention of anything Palladium? No mention of Cyberpunk 2020? No HackMaster? No RoleMaster? No Chill?

obviously your friend was the big winner. he didn’t have to listen to this crappy song one more time. so the bible is right there are rewards in death

I disagree. someone who is christian can make good art, they call it art (or music, or film or whatever) no one who makes christian art can make good art, if they did, they wouldn’t toss in the qualifier in. Christian art is bad art with a very good marketing gimmick

So many years ago I was an independent IT contractor specializing in Windows server hardening. I charged about $150 an hour (not as much as it sounds, overhead, self employment tax all cut into it) the going rate for my area. I thought I was golden right after the department of homeland security was created and