right now there are too many griefers. if you penalize death players will start abandoning the game as it just won’t be fun. the only players left will be the griefers. good way to kill a game.
right now there are too many griefers. if you penalize death players will start abandoning the game as it just won’t be fun. the only players left will be the griefers. good way to kill a game.
that’s some impressive tanking
Ah central IL, you will never stop embracing the rest of us.
Brain drain on that area means that the best and brightest left decades ago, all that’s left is winners like these morons
Here’s a hint. conservatives agree with everything he’s saying. there is zero distance between trumps beliefs adn the beliefs of the GOP leadership. they are just more political about saying it.
Somebody needs to ask the Hillary crowed if being with her was worth all of this. pushing a candidate that actively disgusted half of your potential liberal voter base is not a way to win an election.
Why do you separate libertarians from other conservatives. they are just republicans that like to get high.
the thing is, he wasn’t a good president
Who controlled congress during sandy hook?
Wiat, in 96 we passed gun control measures. in 200 the right got ahead of things with the thoughts and prayers bull shit and too soon bullshit.
there is no difference. an actual good person will never say that they are a “nice guy” they don’t have to.
Hey governor good hair is the best governor IL has had in generations
we will see. 4 million NRA members spread around the country just isn’t that many people. Ammosexuals are a problem that take care of themselves more often than not.
so what you are saying is that you fantasize about being an armed insurgent but are too cowardly to act. got it.
Huh, I thought gun owners were law abiding citizens. Just one more lie
Oh don’t worry, when the ban comes back, we won’t let assholes like you slip in the same loopholes. Keep it up and all of your toys will go away.
So why didn’t they embrace bill Clinton?
if presidents with moral failings must be embraced, why did they reject Clinton?
quit trying to bullshit people. There is a vast difference between a semi auto firing 223 or 5.62 rounds and one firing larger rounds. the smaller higher velocity rounds have less kick (especially with a well vented gun like the AR) allows for sustained accuracy. they can also have a much larger clip.
the 223 is…
the manufactures may be changing. BoA and other banks are talking ot the manufacturers and threatening to pull lines of credit if the companies don’t start making a change. the NRA may very soon change its tune on assault rifles
you do realize that the assault gun ban was lifted in the 2000s by Bush, and that mass shootings dropped significantly during the ban, and have climbed back up after it ended.
basically it worked.