
Long suffering Bears fan here. generally we hate the Packers and the Vikings with a passion. We typically still have a little dislike for Tampa ( it’s still the North damit). Honestly I feel bad for lions fans, They are the sad kid brother from Christmas Story, yelling for the older kids to wait up from

Mr Trump, you can’t shake the devil’s hand and say that you were only kidding

Odd our experience with catholic school was the opposite, not only was the bullying tolerated, it was encouraged by the teacher. The principle was also useless.

Jay Cutler is an average QB at best.

So far Trubinsky has fumbled multiple snaps a day, and likes to baldy under throw receivers. in His first 7 on 7 in pads he tossed what would have been a pick 6. So he’s a week armed inaccurate statue with small hands...this will be great. 


Bills fans are quiet when their offense is in the red zone. The idiot Bears fans would make so much noise that the offense could go to a silent count....oh and get silent when the opposing team was in the bears red zone. It was like a bizaro world fan base.

the Browns there the other team sold on him, The Bears and the Browns liked the same QB, drafting him was clearly a bad move

Lets not forget folks, the Bears traded up because they were worried about the Browns swooping in and “stealing” trubinsky....

Most renters are already going to have the 240 setup. Most rentals have electric appliance as the initial cost is cheaper (paid by the landlord) while the cost to run them is higher (paid by the renter so the landlord doesn’t care). I have rented about 10 different townhomes/apartments in my life so I have looked at

I have never met a guy who openly declared themselves a feminist that wasn’t doing just to get laid. Male self proclaimed feminists are on the whole misogynistic asshole.

that would imply that there are both roads and cars in canada....fakenews

actually most americans support some form of single payer universal healthcare. it’s just the politicians that don’t. too much insurance lobby money flowing in DC

They fell in line and voted for Obama. They will fall in line and vote for Sanders if he is the nominee in 2020. Hillary voters are high authoritarian. They will do what they are told by their leadership because that’s what they do. Notice the outrage when a lot of Sanders voters didn’t listen ot him and back Hillary.

Yea, good luck trying ot explain that. the vast majority of Clinton supporters focus purely on her cult of personality and that’s it. that is the major disconnect.

the issue here is he may have been trying to rebuild his credit, you can’t do that unless someone lends you money. carrying a car loan and making timely payments is a good way ot rebuild... he should have looked at a much more reasonably priced car.

oh she did, she also ran on “it’s my turn”. America always loves self entitled asshats, so how could the platform of “Me, Me, Me, the other guy is slightly worse” lose?

No he’s talking about the voter roll purges in new york and new jersey that probably killed Bernie there, he’s talking about hiding what few debates the party bothered ot have to try and keep down bernie’s exposure. Oh then there was the DNC actively pushing the press to not cover Bernie breaking their own rules by

Hillary was from a wealthy suburb. Her father owned a textile mill. she was never middle or lower middle class

From the day of Clinton’s coronation I was calling trumps win. Don’t bullshit us now and claim no one saw it coming. A lot of us did, we begged all of you to open your eyes and dump[ Hillary. You ignored us. we were right.