thats why we built custom rigs out of cardboard boxes and insulating foam.
thats why we built custom rigs out of cardboard boxes and insulating foam.
you guys realize that China has a ridiculous amount of space. the vast majority of the country is empty. China has 3.7 million square miles the US has 3.8 million. not too different.
A lot of us were calling this thing a scam from day one. its idiotic, it takes the worst features of light rail and busses and mashes them together.
and this is why everyone who can get vaccinated needs to be.
its an extremely common word in the neurodivergent community, get used to seeing it.
Shes wrong. If her son is on the ASD spectrum he was that way in utero. she may not have recognized the symptoms until he was two and the developmental delays became more pronounced. She also has family members on the spectrum or the father does. it’s possible that she is on the spectrum as well ASD is massively…
For Wakefield it’s purely monetary same with the other “Drs” like Arcola and Tenpenny. they are old school snake oil salesmen They create fear of conventional medicine to sell their useless crap.
I disagree on your assessment of those trades. sure the bulls didn’t win the trades but neither did NY or OKC. When you trade nothing for garbage there are no winners or losers.
I know right, and Jordan went on to will all those rings with the Wizards, and Pippen with Houston....
are you secretly my wife? sounds like our story
The la leche league and the rest of the lactations nazis need to never run into me in the street. The worst fight I ever had with my wife is when I over ruled here (in her completely hasn’t slept in 4 days state) and gave our first child formula as he was rapidly losing weight. She was producing enough, he was hungry…
there is nothing inherently wrong with seeing a midwife. That said make sure at least in the US it’s a CNM and not a lay midwife. its been my observation that lay midwives are likely to be deep into antivax and homeopathic bullshit.
Vader is luke’s father, the chick in the crying game is a dude, Bruce Willis in the sixth sense has been dead all along. lets see Juliet was only faking dead at first, Snape kills Dumbledore, in the office Jim and Pam get married, The falt is in our stars Gus dies, Fight Club Tyler Druden isnt real, rosebud is a sled.
and you are too young. This is catering to the Xers...yes there was a generation before you, and we watched cheesy pg13 horror movies like monster squad and goonies in the theaters in our youth.
I have seen actively drinking and driving good old boy white guys told to pour the beer out and sent on their way with nothing but a verbal warning...
This has been true for a very long time. Im latino, don’t have it as bad but I have never been pulled over where i’m not out of the car and frisked, half the time i’m handcuffed in the back of the squad car while they run my info...I am very obviously upper middle class.
My redneck good old boy ex brother in law was…
So where in any of this did the government say what the packers fan could and could not ware. OK then it’s not a first amendment issue. The Bears can and did set a dress code, it’s well within their rights and it was covered by the contract he signed.
Basically...hey its not the bandwagon fans fault that the bears have been bad for over a generation now
She’s a blond white female. Clearly she just needs help and not locked up.....
Well at least it’s something. She got off easy, it should have been murder.