That’s all i’m saying. the main argument was with an idiot ho didn’t think you could play baseball drunk, high and out of shape even though we have hall of fame ballplayers who did just that.
That’s all i’m saying. the main argument was with an idiot ho didn’t think you could play baseball drunk, high and out of shape even though we have hall of fame ballplayers who did just that.
Yes and if you accept that argument you have to also accept Esports as sports
I ma not making a claim one way or another. I am just saying that its hypocritical at best to consider Golf, Baseball or NASCAR sports and not ESports sports.
NBA popularity grew in the 90s when the only intrigue was “who from the west will lose to the Bulls.” why would it be any different now?
Nope, it’s still there. I think you completely dismantled their attempt at attacking your point so they blocked you.. probably a clintionista that just won’t get it.
America is a mixing pot. From what i have seen we are the only nation that cares that we are racist and feel that it needs to change.
Having lived in both, I can say wit hsome certenty its true.
Yea, I’m damn lucky. I walk buy that starbucks every day. had this happened an hour earlier my restraint would have been tested, as soon as hi spit on the guy I would have been beating him.
I have found that multigenerational americans tend to be less racist than folks from other nations. More exposure, we are the only nation that cares about things like multiculturalism. I have close family in south america and oh my god are they racist.
That’s in central IL. Il is basically two states, chicago and the burbs make up one. everything south of 80 is basically north Mississippi.
He was, he wanted someone to hit him so he could sue.
Gotta say i’m impressed with my fellow chicagoans. that was amazing level of restraint, no one rose to his bait (I’m sure he would have sued for assault if anyone had punched him). then as soon as he crossed the line and became fair game they took him down....nicely done.
Which eras rules are you playing by. if the 90s bulls could handcheck they win.
Hell the lives of the wealthy would be significantly worse than most lives today. Unless you are living on the street, you life is far more comfortable then the victorian 1%
Because you punch up. Punching down is being a bully.
There is no inherent athleticism in Baseball Golf or NASCAR either. So either none of them are sports or athleticism isn’t required for sports. Besides the dude have vehemently defended his definition. trying to claim that Ball players don’t play drunk and trying to excuse every example brought up (there are lots, you…
So we have a handful of drunk out of shape guys who play baseball at a high level (and a ton of amature that fit that same description) adn one drunk out of shape guy who plays eSports at a high level (and a ton of amateurs that fit the same description). OK seems to be they are not any different.
and game that has Prince Fielder as a all star is a borderline sport at best. I’m with you on Golf as well.