
Leave out the detail....Clinton did detail, no one listened. We need an elevator pitch. How are we going to fix the economic rubble of the rust belt and middle america in a short concise pitch.

Who said anything about appealing to the current iteration of republicans. The biggest block of voters are the group that don’t find anything worth voting for. Offering left wing populism would be a good start towards getting their vote.

human nature is to be self centered. if something is the biggest issue in your world you can’t fathom anyone else having zero opinion on it.

It all boils down to a hierarchy of needs. Its hard to give a shit about someone who is completely disconnected from you when you are struggling ot put food on the table and keep a roof over your head. So dems roll in and all they talk about are folks and problems that have no impact on your life, why would you vote

he’s not wrong. she’s an entertainer not a singer. the grammy’s for best album not best stage show or best video

How old are yo, twelve?

When the handgun ban was in place chicago’s gun violence was dropping. as soon as the ban was lifted by the courts gun violence started climbing.

Well that’s an unbelievably racist view.

this is some multilevel discordian shit. I tried to follow operation mindfuck. I missed this entire branch

Man didn’t you hear. they kicked out the JAMS.

three runs would have ripped a ton of time off of the clock, even with a missed feild goal you are up by 8 with very little time left

try again in 30 years. cars where a mature tech by 1980 computers where brand new.

Meh i’m fine with this. the prayer breakfast is an idiotic event that has no business existing, the president should refuse to go. If Trump turns it into a joke it may finally end.

how did Fencing not make this list? why does everyone always forget fencing?

No these are the guys Gruden expects to save the game from the influence of geniuses

Clearly two kids at this HS ( and only two on the football team) agree with you because they are sueing

any more, don’t forget the anymore

well she did in fact lose to him. Thus making her literaly a loser.

Its the candidates job to get their voters enthusiastic enough ot go vote. No candidate is entitled to one single vote, they have to earn it. If Hillary failed to convince millions of voters that she was worth getting off their asses for, that’s on her not them.

That’s one of the big mistakes they make in their assumption. The idea that Sanders was somehow creating an anti clinton sentiment.