There is also president for the chief of staff overriding the president’s orders if they feel the president is acting irrationally. again this will kick off a constitutional crisis and probably an impeachment but Mathis has options.
There is also president for the chief of staff overriding the president’s orders if they feel the president is acting irrationally. again this will kick off a constitutional crisis and probably an impeachment but Mathis has options.
(a) In General.—That the President is authorized to use all necessary and appropriate force against those nations, organizations, or persons he determines planned, authorized, committed, or aided the terrorist attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001, or harbored such organizations or persons, in order to…
correct, in some magical land where people could refuse union representation adn turn down the union contract trying to get a deal on their own you would be correct. That’s not how it works though. instead they get the union negotiated contract and get to not pay for the service. that is theft of service.
you are not forced to join he Union. you have no inherent right to a job, if you want that job, join the union.
thats fine, thats not what this law dose. It says you can take advantage of the contract the union negotiated, without paying for the service. its basicly legalized theft of service targeted at unions.
Not only can he, he is under a legal obligation to refuse any illegal order. Starting a war without congressional approval would be an illegal order
Mattis can refuse an illegal order. a pointless invasion, an act of war without congressional approval would be such an act. we would quickly have a constitutional crisis on our hands, and it would probably end Trumps presidency
I disagree Hamilton. Right now if you are a true patriot and truly care about this country we desperately need you to join the military. there will be illegal and immoral orders coming down, all that stands between us and WWIII may be a private with the moral fortitude and patriotism to refuse an illegal order as…
Here is the bad news. all careers are slowly shrinking. automation and expert systems can replace all of us. I say this as a guy who manages and maintains expert systems, my job isn’t long for the world.
If you are truly indispensable, you can never truly take a vacation.. thats a no go in my book
Both, I get paid holidays, and don’t lose any money when there is no work.
It amazes me that it needs to be said in this day.
It was mentioned once. Michael stated that Chidi was the closest of the group to making it ot the good place.
Liberals have been ignoring Unions for over two decades. from the point the Clintons took over until now democrats have been the socially liberal party of big business.
So Ted Cruize
I liked the show but didn’t love it up till now. The characters bothered me, specifically Tahani. She was shallow, self centered, and jerky. She wasn’t a good person. So either the show runner was arguing that acts are more important than intentions (not something I agree with philosophically) or he was taking the…
My PS2 died to a Peanutbutter and Jelly in the CD tray...
The US can’t afford to spend on defense what we spend.
RadFems will never keep their mouths shut. they saddled us with an unelectable Clinton and they will toss the next election to trump as well.
what a weasley load of bullshit from Booker, canadian meds are unsafe now...sure