
Say the devils guard was a true story (it wasn’t) the fuckign forigin legion got its ass kicked out of vietnam, the french lost and lost badly even with Nazis working for them. These idiots where copying the tactics of two time losers. The SS got their ass handed to them in Europe and then again in Nam, why would you

I’m disappointed that every reporter at his presser today missed the obvious question.

Long suffering Bears fan hear.

So when is Hillary’s inauguration?

Anyone not named Clinton would have won.

It wasn’t their job to vote for Hillary. No one, not even your queen is entitled to votes. It was her job to earn those votes. She failed at her one job. A great candidate beats Trump.

regardless of how the baggage was created, she had decades worth of baggage. It was her job to counter that, It was her job and your

Actually those polls had Hillary within the margin of error in the rust belt. So they where basicly accurate.

It was Hillary’s job to get them to the polls. No one is entitled to votes. no one is required to vote. It is a candidate’s job to give people a reason to vote FOR them. All Hillary ever did was tell people to not vote for Trump...that’s easy, just stay home and you haven’t voted for Trump. 

They choose Clinton in 2008. her grab at the brass ring was why she was made Secretary of State. To give her some cred outside of being Bill Clinton’s wife. The reason Debbie Wiseman was named head of the DNC was to get Hillary the nomination. The yhave been planning and setting this up for 8 years, and she still

See I don’t get this. From the day the southern strategy was minted the GOP has been the party of white nationalists. True previous candidates used dog whistles a little more elegantly than Trump but they have all been racist. Any GOP president would be the president of racism and intolerance, thats baked into the

this is a list of writers that are “important” and have some clout.

How the fuck was she not finished in 2008 with the dual oops of plagiarism and racism?

As Hillary hits the dustbin of History can she take Amanda Marcotte with her? Amanda’s stich got old in 08 when she argued that racists attacks on Obama where not racist as log as they came from Hillary. and that by nominating Obama the democrats had failed women...she briefly went full PUMA

why are we messing around in a civil war in syria. Sure help the refugees otherwise we should be hands off.

I’m not saying the bears should give the guy a lifetime contract.

As a Bears fan I was ecstatic. Typical Bears MO is to suck most of the season then winning the last few meaningless games Convincing the meatheads that the bears will be good next year and saving the coach’s job , while killing any shot at a decent draft slot.

Hey he’d be an improvement. Sure the Bears would still suck, but at least one part of the team would be entertaining.

Illinois has a flat tax rate...it’s doing wonders there.

Dude, as a chicagoan, we are smack in the middle of flyover country. NY to LA nothing else exists

you want us to meet in the middle. Start throwing some bones. Start with “Hillary fucked up” or “at least some of the blame lays with Hillary” or “Hillary was a flawed candidate”. If the clintonistas stop acting like she is some sort of infallible saint, and accept that she LOST not due ot outside forces we can start