Where is ‘micro management’ in that list.
Where is ‘micro management’ in that list.
Earlier this week, Evernote updated its privacy policy to make machine learning features—which let some employees…
If you need a meeting room, conference hall, photo studio, or other venue for an event or meeting with someone you’d…
I come from coal country and have a lot of friends/family who think Trump is going to bring back coal and get them all jobs. I keep trying to explain that 1) coal isn’t coming back and 2) neither are the jobs. What they are facing is the loss of government benefits many of them need to keep their heads above water.…
Evangelicals are *thrilled*. They want the End Times, the quicker the better. If you want a text, check the sermon next Sunday at your local Four Square church.
If those were my family members, I’d ask them to repeat it into a recording device along with the date and time. Then I’d play it back for them when it actually did happen. Because it’ll happen. Your life will be worse, but at least you’ll be able to make them feel awful!
Well when we criticized them they whined about how we’re special snowflakes and need safe spaces.
My husband is a contractor working in earth science. His whole team is expecting to get shut down. He’s depressed about things, and the uncertainty (of “when” more than “if”) has me stressed out constantly.
Really! The total (and not really legal) obstruction of Merritt Garland’s appointment to the Supreme Court should serve as a template for all civic-minded politicians and government employees on how to deal with demands from Trump and his horrible minions.
Well, this is where, “Resist much, obey little,” really starts to get tested. Do the Democrats have the balls to be as obstructionist and stubborn about dismantling environmental protections as the Republicans have been about passing law after law after law forcing women to give birth?
Or, they could just not return the questionnaire, or, you know, lie. Like, while Obama’s still president, I hope that it’s not required for anyone in the department to cooperate. If Trump wants to do this bullshit, he should have to wait until he actually gets into office to do it. They are under no obligation to feel…
This is one of the main reasons for the Satanic Temple’s existence. I hope all scientists across the board do precisely this.
I’d be more concerned, on a personal level, with the supporters. The administration is overtly targeting dissent within multiple institutions, but the supporters are much more target-specific. And the most reactionary of those seem to hinge their principals and politics on emotional affectation. A volatile mix.
I might do this myself. I work for a public university in a Republican-dominated state. The U itself isn’t too bad; but the administration are cowards and I could see them purging climate researchers such as myself.
So, Obama’s DOE is going to tell them to fuck right on off, right? This “landing team” landed on hostile territory, right?
Were I the Obama administration, I’d be cooperating the very least that is legally allowed.
I said earlier today that, if Trump took office, things would get very bad, very quickly.
WaPo said they passed it on to DOE lawyers. Hopefully they have zero legal obligation to answer specifics about individuals.
All of these people need to convert to the Satanic Temple religion and claim that according to one of their religion’s tenets: