
The people who enroll in Pre-Check aren’t assholes, you’re right. The assholes are the government/TSA who create that choice by providing an intentionally poor service and then charging for relief.

Flights are one thing, internet access (which is vital for just about everyone these days) MUST be kept a level playing field! You shouldn’t be forced to suffer purposely slowed internet speeds, because you aren’t rich enough to pay for the ‘fast lane’. That’s insane.

Do Republicans really not see how silly this obsession with George Soros has gotten? Have they really reached such a level of paranoia that they see Soros behind every liberal tree? Or do they not care and just use “Soros” as a sort of shibboleth signifying membership in the tribe?

I know this is a radical idea, but how about we save ourselves? Fuck relying on old white rich people to grow a conscience. America won’t improve unless we vote these worthless motherfuckers out of office.

Trump was a dem ... until America elected a black man and he lost his mind.

There’s some truth to this, but he’s always been an unrepentant racist.

Bill Maher did a bit this week about how “conservatives” like Andrew Breitbart, Dana Loesch, and Steve Bannon were all wannabe Hollywood stars who got rejected from the entertainment industry. So they were bitter and turned on liberals because Hollywood is run by liberals. Seems that Trump is doing the exact same

Narrator’s voice: Turns out, the app was written by tech-savvy burglars.

Look, everyone knows that if Killary won, she would have reanimated the corpse of Scalia and put him on the Supreme Court. THEY’RE THE SAME!!!1!!!

“They’re both the same! Thank goodness we didn’t pick the war hawk!”

get back to work

There seemed to be a lot of “serious basketball people” on Twitter really pleased to see UMBC get “exposed.” It must be strange to hate fun.

You’re a troll setting up an obvious straw man argument to falsify the discussion. Go back to the farm, asshole.

Btw, bro, your car is HELLA liberal. It told me it supports gay marriage. Better smash it.

You forgot to explain why. Balls are very fragile. Ironically they are the most vulnerable place on the body, revealing the essential fragility of the masculine gender.

ok, so are you gonna smash your keurig or not

Other people who shot the videos appear to be under the impression that destroying the Keurigs will make liberals angry