
The culture of censorship surrounding unpopular opinions by the left has always been oppression.

I’m sorry- I’m wracking my brain, but when did anyone in the government shut down or stymie any of the hate speech trolling publications or individuals during the Obama administration? Maybe I need more coffee, but didn’t they sort of flourish in the last decade unfettered? I mean, yes people on the left publicly

“Yes most political scholars agree his use of them in size and scope was unprecedented.”

Let’s just stop right here and throw up the chart.

I wish people would look things up before they commented. Obama has signed fewer executive orders than any other 2 term president since William McKinley (March 4, 1897 – September 14, 1901).

No they don’t. FDR holds the record for obvious reasons. The idea that Obama issued more executive orders than anybody else is totally false.

I have heard similar thoughts in the press about Obama’s “unprecedented use of executive orders” but the only presidents who have used fewer executive orders than Obama since William McKinley (whose term ended in 1900) are Bush 1, Ford, and JFK.

I’m a Fed scientist at the USDA. We’ve had steady growth since a reorganization of 2008 (while others had layoffs) and finally started hiring again in the past year and a half. I don’t know what this does but the heads say the outlook is not good.

Nope. Racism is (again) shorthand for white class anxiety. Intersectional or fuck off.

Spoiler alert: it’s not going to get better for them. It’s been downhill for them since the Reagan administration, but they keep voting for the folks that ship their jobs overseas, bankrupt their pensions, pull their social safety nets, etc. Asking for sympathy while shooting yourself in the foot really only

The New Movement Starts Now

This morning, many Americans woke up fearful, wondering what comes next. The only possible answer: four years of

White people are the only ones talking about rioting. Everyone else is actually working towards making sure we all have rights and trying to make America a better place.

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It was as if Ferrari decided to leave Formula One for a regional dirt track series in the American South.

Might want to clarify this is for Android. Can’t seem to find the settings on the PC side version 54, and he does state : “ That’s one of the more visible changes in the latest version of Chrome for Android, “

I really love everything about Tig, including what appears to be a cranky side that came out a little bit in this interview. She and Amy seem like they would not ever get along because Tig seems genuine and sincere and Amy is ridiculously sarcastic. They just seem like people who would NOT get along. And I think it’s