
Who whoa whoa...I’m not gonna sit here and let people erase Geoffrey Rush’s Barbosa from the PotC franchise. Depp was great, no doubt. For my money, the best thing about the franchise has always been Rush. It’s a shame that he’s always ignored because of an equally compelling performance turned in by his far more

Apparently? Literally the only reason I posted the first comment was to highlight that you acting like an asshole means nobody gives a shit about what you write afterwards.

I don’t get how streaming services can screw up the rewind/fast forward features. Amazon’s go back 4 seconds per second if you press rewind once...and then 4 MINUTES per second if you press it twice. I don’t get who decided to set it up that way, but it means that the only stuff I’ll use Amazon to watch are things I

LOL, for someone who lectures on reading comprehension you sure seem to have missed the point of my sarcastic response to you.

Hahahaha, you wrote that whole wall of text above in the hopes that nobody would read it. Sure, whatever you say Professor.

Dude, you’re writing long winded responses in the comments section of a gaming website. Which, by all means, do so. But if you want people to give a shit about all the effort you put into writing it then don’t start off being a total dick. Nobody is going to bother reading all that other stuff you wrote if you lead

I will never understand the people who make this argument. “This is what something has done so far. Therefore, it can’t ever do anything else that goes in a different direction.”

Another sequel trilogy set 30 years after the end of ROS seems like an ominous timeline to me...

“I’m sure I’m in the minority there, but I’m kind of burnt out on Jedi and Sith and lightsabers, and X-Wings, and all that jazz.”

Abrams whole schtick is to try and cover up his shortcomings by constantly having a shit ton going on, both story wise and visually. The battle sequences are designed to be such sensory overload that you don’t have a chance to think about what’s happening, where people are in relation to each other, or whether it

Edited to avoid actually debating a comment that’s seven year’s old ;)

“Fortunately, you can bet your landspeeder that Abrams is going to be on a very short lease with Disney and Star Wars.”

THANK YOU! I read the whole article waiting to either see the clip embedded, see a link to the clip, or have CPM describe the joke so that his article would make any sense. What a frustratingly useless article.

“Also, is this article about the film or about that axe you’re grinding? Sorry, but your over-generalization of the church does not justify this article’s terrible take on the fictional world of The Exorcist.”

Thank you! I’m an atheist as well and I honestly found that claim on the author’s part to be one of the most ludicrously silly criticisms of a movie I’d ever read. I also don’t believe that supernatural girls can crawl out of tv screens to kill people just for watching a VHS tape, but The Ring scared the bejesus out

Thank you. Reading this article reminded me of the existence of things like Cinemasins and how “plot hole” culture has taken over film analysis for lots of folks. I admit to spending a lot of years with a similar attitude as the author’s- constantly rolling my eyes and finding fault with every shallow observation I

100%. I hear people complain about the character models and how the graphics look terrible, but to me the game is still gorgeous to look at. The backgrounds are just incredible, and every environment is just oozing detail and charm. 

March 20th, so not even a month and a half. Crazy.

I had the same thought. I bought the set of all the bioshock games when they were on sale a few years back- I’d heard they were classics, so I was super excited to fire it up. I struggled through the first one and was more than happy to not play the sequels. I just found it boring as hell, and frustrating in tons of

That may or may not be true (I’m sure there is a way to make a decent Hercules story without singing, and so whether or not Disney does THAT would determine if removing the songs was a good idea), but it certainly wouldn’t be racist to do a live action Hercules remake that didn’t have songs in it.