
The outrage machinery is pretty massive nowadays, so it takes a while to warm up and really get going. Charles is smelling an outrage that could arise in 6-18 months, so he’s just turning on the engine now so it’ll be ready to attack if something that could be turned into an outrage controversy a year from now

Doesn’t that just prove his point? The news is so slow that a debate about the race of characters in a movie that hasn’t even been cast (and which may or may not even include the characters the author is insisting must conform to racial preconditions) has been trending for TWO DAYS.

Juneteenth? That’s all I got. He also said FF7R came out over Easter, so I’m not sure he knows what most people think of when you say “national holiday”. June 19th definitely isn’t an actual day off of work or school or anything.

I plowed through 4 of them before giving up a few days ago. Switched over to Dark Souls 3 instead. It was one of those experiences where I could sort of see why it was so groundbreaking 15 years ago, but I felt like the experience just doesn’t hold up anymore. You run around for 10 minutes (slowly; awkwardly;

By all accounts, the HBO documentary does precisely the opposite. The title is deliberately misleading. 

I’m playing it now on PSNow, which is either the PS2 or PS3 version, and I am NOT enjoying it because of how clumsy and awkward it is. Did you ever get around to playing the PS4 version? I feel like if the controls were a little less annoying I  might actually be really liking it, but I also think I might be thinking

I’m glad to hear this. I’m playing it now on the PS Now, which I think is either the original PS2 version or maybe the PS3, but the controls are INCREDIBLY frustrating. I haven’t been this annoyed playing a video game in a very long time. I figured I’d play the PSNow version to get a sense of the game, and if I liked

100%. I think that the movie (and from what I remember of a book I read 25 years ago as a 13 year old) actually underscores that by relying on SO many obviously idiotic things to be done in order to bring about the disaster. If you literally need all of those things to line up for a catastrophe to happen then in real

True, but they never really established how competent he was. Other then giving him the classic “White Master Hunter in Africa” garb of course. It would have been one thing if he had a scene where it made it seem like if you were with him you were invincible, only to then have him be outsmarted by the Raptors. But

Agreed. I always thought that was an odd shift too. Of ALL the people in the park, you’d think the guy that was literally there because of his ability to survive when surrounded by deadly animals would’ve been one of the folks to walk out.

I’m not sure that at the time Jurassic Park was written (1990) that anyone would have cared about someone writing negative reviews online, but I totally agree with the point you’re making. I loved reading Jurassic Park as a 13 year old, and obviously the movie is fully imprinted on my mind, but Crichton’s books always

This movie is built off of ONE bad decision which is so preposterous that the whole premise falls apart as soon as you think about it for one second- entrusting the entirety security of the park to ONE employee. Making dinosaurs is a GREAT idea- there is literally no reason to believe that in the real world anything

I literally don’t even know what to say in response to that. Never thought I’d see someone compare Avatar to Deadpool with a straight face. I suppose you could watch Deadpool with a five year old, but I certainly wouldn’t do it with any of my nieces or nephews.

I couldn’t agree more. I kept reading how great Avatar was, so I ordered the blu-ray box set when it was on sale a year or two ago. I really struggled through it until about halfway through season 2 before giving up. Yes, the themes are great, and yes, the character arcs are very well done. But episode to episode,

Completely agree that a kids show can have great character arcs and be beautifully written. But like OP said, Avatar is still a kid’s show in its presentation, which does make a high percentage of the actual scenes and interactions childish. From 35,000 feet (and from an overall standpoint) it is a great show telling

I had the same response. The first one is a mediocre movie that apparently Thompson had ONE SCENE in- why would anyone include that in a list like this? Just change the title of the article from her 11 BEST roles to “11 Genre Roles Tessa Thompson Has Played”.

I had the same response actually. I downloaded the full season before an 11 hour international flight, and I was suuuuper excited to binge through it. I got through the end of the first episode and just could not get past how absurd the bouncing puppets looked when they moved, and the lack of any realistic facial

Exactly. Nobody deserves to be personally attacked because they were in a movie that people didn’t like. However, nobody has the right to tell people they can’t say bad things about a commercial product (which is all SW is- these are movies created by a massive company to maximize profits) because that product

“The takeaway from Ridley’s comments are, I think, that there are possibly things more important in the world than whether a movie is good or bad.”

I don’t think God of War 2018 is on PSNow, is it? I know it was, but they pulled it in January. The only ones I see I listed on the PS Now’s catalog page is the original God of War and it’s sequels.