
Bingo. If anyone wants to drop some recs on other websites to replace io9 I’d be ecstatic to see them. I mostly just begrudgingly come here when I’m bored with the rest of the internet, but I’d love to have somewhere else to go to instead.

Exactly. At a certain point, you can set up the gameplay to make beating (or completing. Or finishing. Or whatever term the author finds socially acceptable) a game the equivalent of watching someone else play it on youtube. I see a great example of how difficulty impacts gameplay and the overall experience when I

If a game is too hard for someone and they put it away forever, they won’t ever see and experience much of what was developed.”

I’m not sure what the complaint you’re lodging is here. Good ideas that open up endless possibilities in alternate universes shouldn’t be explored any further? What’s the precise cut off? Multiple seasons of Avatar and two different shows are fine, but a movie or a third show is a bridge too far? Avatar was a vast

Bingo. io9 produces a shockingly small amount of interesting, original content. I mostly come here to check out the comments sections, and I only ever use my laptop which has ad blocker, so I don’t have to deal with the horrific ads in order to enjoy the community. 

I like MoS too (and certainly more than most people do), but calm down there fella- acting like its a perfect movie with zero flaws (aside from, bizarrely, claiming Amy Adams as the “only bad part” considering that she did about as well as anyone could possibly could with the way Lois was written) is absurd.

I think the argument is more “why should I buy an Xbox instead of a cheap gaming desktop if I can play all the Xbox games on the PC instead?” 

That’s PROBABLY why he used the words “seem to”. Seem means “give the impression or sensation of being something or having a particular quality.” So it’s a prediction and a judgment of how effective the trailer was on its own terms at accomplishing what it’s supposed to do.

Yup. The trailers make this movie look, at best, utterly forgettable, and the fact that it’s development has been dragged out for YEARS is almost always a sign that you’ve got a truly atrocious stinker on your hands. My prediction is a metacritic score somewhere in the 30s to low-40s.

That’s a bold headline based on some over the top language from people promoting the film. The trailer looks like it could be good- but it also could be any number of other Pixar/Disney wannabes that try and fail to capture the magic. I’m not sure if calling this an Oscar contender based on the trailer makes much

Why? You’re going to put them with that orientation in your entertainment console, so it’s an apples-to-apples comparison for the purpose of how the size will actually impact the console in your home. 

I would’ve said no, but you have to assume part of the calculus was how many copies of the directors cut of BvS WB must have sold- that must have done pretty well for them to figure this was a worthwhile endeavor. Personally, I was never willing to pay full price to buy that (I would have rented it, but whenever I

This guy just argued that the Martha scene was a great scene. I’m not sure he can be reached with rational argumentation. 

This guy just argued that the Martha scene was a great scene. I’m not sure he can be reached with rational argumentation. 

I’m actually looking forward to it now that it’s happening. JL was the worst kind of movie- utterly boring and forgettable. BvS is a garbage film, but at least it evokes SOMETHING in me when I watch it. JL just...is, and then it’s over. So hopefully this version will at least strive to do something interesting. It’ll

This is an odd discussion to read. The whole point of “the lesser evil” is that BOTH are evil. I’m not sure why people keep on telling you “BUT STREGOBOR WAS A REAL MONSTER!” Sure, but that doesn’t mean Renfri was a saint just because he was worse. It’s like watching people say that you shouldn’t arrest a serial

Eh, I’d be willing to risk it if the theaters are open and complying with attendance restrictions. I have a great home theater setup, but it’s still nothing compared to watching a movie like that on the big screen.

This is awfully pessimistic for a movie that doesn’t even have a trailer yet.

Exactly. Defenders of the show constantly talk about it as if it’s the outcomes that people are most upset with. The outcomes were fine (great even in some instances). It’s the way the show got us there that was botched. I can absolutely see a way to get us to the end the show gave us in a way that will make for

Be Our Guest is a great contender for second best B&TB song (along with Gaston of course). And Under the Sea isn’t even the best version of an Under the Sea song! The title of course goes to Homer singing Under the Sea in “Homer Badman”.