
This is such a classic example of what the people who say “don’t buy coffee and invest instead” are actually saying. The video above (and the other articles I’ve seen criticizing this advice elsewhere) all act as if the “no-coffee” crowd is saying “if you do nothing else different and JUST stopped buying coffee you’d

These “if you just dont buy this *****” idea of personal finance is BS. Ya that is true,but the major things are so much bigger than a latte in the grand scheme of things it doesn’t matter.”

So take that $5.00 a day and invest that in a low cost index fund. The whole point of the advice is to take money you’re not currently saving and invest it somewhere, so you can still have the same mix of investments you’re talking about while taking the “gurus” advice to invest the $5 in a high return investment

THANK YOU! I cannot roll my eyes harder at the Lifehacker’s and Slate’s of the world that are rushing out to say “a latte a day won’t make you poor!” It’s intentionally misunderstanding the point that is being made in order to criticize it nonsensically. The entire point is that if you spend a few dollars here and a

I’m not sure why “the heroes are doomed” is disqualifying for narrative purposes. Everyone went into the theater for Rogue One knowing all the main characters were dead at the end, but that didn’t mean there was no way to tell a compelling story. Horror movies and franchises especially are full of stories where we

Ohhhh, do one for grease and oil! When I cook chicken paillard at home the oil tends to splatter and has a shockingly far range- it gets on the above-stovetop microwave and fan, on the counters, and on the utensils and stuff I keep near the stove. It’s now caked on everything and a lot of the stuff (the bottom of the

Ohhhh, do one for grease and oil! When I cook chicken paillard at home the oil tends to splatter and has a

And that full title is sooooo bad. It’s groan-worthy. 

That full Birds of Prey title is TERRIBLE. I saw the trailer for the first time this weekend and people audibly groaned/sighed/laughed when the full nonsense came up on screen. It’s just awful 

You do realize I was being sarcastic, right? I was pointing out how absurd it is for folks to constantly be jumping on any excuse to criticize DC or Marvel movies because of some absurd war they imagine going on between the two. Your comment was especially ironic in that context. 

What are people even talking about with Star Wars fatigue? What is that based off of? Is there any actual evidence that people see one Star Wars movie in December and then, six months later at the earliest, say “geez, I JUST saw a Star Wars movie six months ago, so I don’t want to go to theater for another 2 hours

Marvel is clearly just cashing in nowadays. You can’t even release ONE “No Title At This Time” or “Title Forthcoming”? Instead we get a half a dozen Untitleds announced because they figure that’s the easiest way to get butts in seats. DC would never do this, which is why the DCEU is clearly superior to Marvel. 

Jumanji. Unless you thought people went to see it because of Jack Black...?

Did any of the movies you’re listing have an official release date and star attached? I honestly can’t recall- I remember a bunch of them being announced, but more in the Marvel Phases kind of way. As in, “here’s a whole bunch of characters we’re going to be making movies about in the next 10 years!”, as opposed to

True, but it seems to me that if it has an official release date that means that they’re at least in the formal planning stages for actually beginning filming. So this seems to make it far more likely we will see this movie at some point in our lifetimes, whereas before today I was a little dubious about that. 

Yes, fan outrage fixed Sonic...because the production company realized it would be a bomb. 100%. The movie was literally around the corner, so they tweaked it to avoid a financial loss. Do you think they incurred significant financial losses for no reason other than to make fans happier? Or do you understand they did

Ding ding ding, we have a winner folks!! One thing that I’ve done is set the sous vide to around 105-110, dropped the frozen meat in for 10 minutes, and then taken it out to salt and season the meat before throwing it back in the water at whatever temperature I actually want it to cook at. Thaws quickly, cooks

Let’s also not forget that apparently the Emperor is going to have survived that scene, so it’s not just Lucas that keeps on rewriting and changing SW. No one can resist the power of the dark side of the editing room.

I’m 5'10" and I hate airplane seats. They’re terribly uncomfortable. Complaining about people stretching their legs after sitting on an airplane for any amount of time is dumb. Pretending that people are standing up (even at the very back of the plane) in some mad dash to get out faster as the author does here is even

Dumb. You’ve been forced to sit for hours in uncomfortable seats specifically designed to cram as many people into one smelly tube as possible, comfort be damned. If I’m on the aisle the first thing I do is stand precisely because sitting in those seats fucking sucks. It has nothing to do with trying to be the first

I think your comment highlights what is actually the right way to discuss this fact. It’s great that the room is full of people who historically would’ve had a much less likely chance of being given an opportunity they deserved, and pointing that out as a win is 100% accurate. But the focus of the article does seem a