

I don’t. But so what? That means that anytime anyone does anything to criticize Facebook it is immediately praiseworthy, regardless of how manipulative, irrelevant, or disingenuous it is? This is literally Congress we are talking about- they’re not some paragons of virtue, but what they are is at least SUPPOSED to be

It was a surprise interview on a surprise subject. The hearing wasn’t about Cambridge Analytica. It was about an entirely separate matter- Facebook’s policy towards political ads, something that bears virtually no relationship to Cambridge other than as a tool that someone like AOC can disingenously twist into a way

Came here to post the same thing. It’s undeniably The Shinning. Every scene is comedy gold.

No. The Shinning. 

100%. I had conversations with friends way back in seasons 4 and 5 where we were talking about “geez, Dany is great and all, but she’s got a bit of violent, authoritarian streak to her, doesn’t she?” The problem was they went from hinting at that like once a season to all of the sudden it being the ONLY trait she had,

Thank you! This whole “it’s GRRM’s fault that the show got so bad” schtick is insufferable and dead wrong. GRRM could’ve made the final seasons better if he’d written the final books (and written them well), but the showrunners are solely responsible for the content they actually put out. Saying “these guys aren’t

Perhaps for some. I remember arguing with a friend during season 6 that the show had significantly dropped off in quality, and that a lot of what was happening was spectacle and shallow. I think the reaction at the time to season 6 was driven largely by the pent up love for the show that had accrued for years. Seasons

“I’ll be blunt, until you’ve written and showrunned a massive production like Game of Thrones go easy on the people who have actually done it and did it well for the better part of a decade. Okay ready for the flames now. Dracarys.”



And it’s not even true though, at least as it relates to the Nats. I work for the DC government, and grew up in the MD suburbs. TONS of my colleagues are huge Nats fans, and going to games during the season is not expensive at all. Sure, the World Series is outrageously expensive, but that’s an absurd fact to base the

I don’t even watch this show and I knew that other survivors were always the real antagonists.

As a Nats fan that was at the game, if you asked me which I’d rather have, a Nats win or a “lock him up” chant shouted at Trump, I would’ve gone with the chant. It was a beautiful moment, and far more important than baseball. Fuck that guy. 

He literally said the poor calling “might not have made the difference in the game”. And the ump was terrible for both teams, but the Robles call was EGREGIOUS and would’ve brought the tying run to the plate, while earlier in the game the ump missed an obvious strike three/out three call on Correa that would’ve ended

Correa also got a ball called on an obvious third strike that should’ve been out #3, which he then turned into a two run blast to go up 4-0. The umps have been terrible all series, and last night may have been the worst showing yet. 

I’m half expecting tweets today blaming those of us who booed him for the Nats loss. “Tough game for the Nats, but what can you expect when the fans are so hate filled and unsupportive! Their negativity during the game clearly demoralized the team!” Except Trump doesn’t know what demoralized means. But you get the

We weren’t booing him. We were saying BooooRump. 

I was there, and I think the crowd handled it perfectly. Can you imagine if Trump was able to say something like “of course THAT crowd booed me! They booed are heroes in uniform!” Instead, we booed the shit out of Trump, cheered the hell out of the heroes, and then immediately went into a Lock Him Up chant. It was a

Are you seriously arguing for a non-profit sports league? This may be the dumbest comment I’ve seen on this site, which is saying something. If you’re arguing that these rich guys shouldn’t set out to make money then go for it- but argue for some pro-social use of the money instead! Tell these entitled rich guys to