
I love how all the comments pointing out this obvious fact are in the greys. And I say that as someone who is outraged that NCAA players aren’t paid. But that doesn’t mean that those of us who agree with that point should deliberately overstate our case and ignore obvious facts. 

“Schoolteachers don’t say “I make $40k per 3/4 of a year.” Nope. That’s their yearly salary for that job, regardless of spring, summer and winter breaks.”

Way less than half a year. Looks like 10 weeks or so of work. It’s not “professional athlete in one of AMERICA’S four major sports league” pay, but that’s a silly comparison for a league like this. The players will make what any regular person in America would consider good money for that time period. It won’t make

Precisely. If you frame this as “this one guy doesn’t feel like the base pay offered is a good opportunity for him given the other options he has available” then it’s a perfectly reasonable analysis. Framing it, as Chris does, as an indictment against the league as a whole and some shining example of capitalism’s

“It’s a complete farce.”

Let’s not pretend TLJ was some ground breaking reversal of storytelling tropes from the SW universe. Despite what Rian and others say, it was pretty standard stuff. “Dark side force user confronts light side force user to try and convince her to join him in overthrowing the Dark Force leader above him. Dark Force user

Exactly. I’m sure SOMEONE will mention some of this at some point during the pre-game broadcast, but the whole point of having an entire pre-game show is so that you can cover all of this long before they swing it to Buck and the actual gameplay crew

He’s a sports announcer. Isn’t explaining things to the audience literally his job description?

Yup. The first sentence is normally so masturbatory and filled with lines that Ratto clearly thought would prove to everyone just how clever he is that he might as well attach his signature after every period. 

You sound like the white plaintiffs in every affirmative action case complaining about how if it wasn’t for those dang minorities they’d definitely have gotten in to the school of their dreams. 

Magnanimous comments such as yours embiggen all of us.

I’ve seen a whole bunch of folks sharing AOC’s questions of him on social media claiming that she’s really sticking it to him, but it’s always nonsense like what you’re describing. One person I know was pointing out how ridiculous it was that he didn’t know the exact date that in interaction happened when AOC asked

Thank god SOMEONE seems able to recognize that what happens in April and May in baseball is utterly meaningless, and that the Nats of the past 5 months have been the best team in baseball. The people who are absolutely SHOCKED at what the Nats are doing here simply have not been paying any attention the whole year and

Given that the Nats have had the best record in baseball over the past 5 months, I’m pretty shocked that people seem so unwilling to recognize that they may just be the better team after all. No no, it’s not that the Nats are better- it’s that it’s BASEBALL, and sometimes unfair outcomes happen! 

I have no idea why Barry is so dismissive of Sanchez. He’s a perfectly good fourth starter for any team, and the last time he took the mound he was unhittable. Everyone’s talking like the Nats have three good pitchers and nothing else. Hudson and Doolittle are fine (not lights out, but fine) and the four starters are

I’m just impressed with how little was said in how many words he did use. “STERLING DOES EVERYTHING WELL. YES, EVERYTHING!” would have been just as informative as the various platitudes and blanket statements about Sterling’s skills that Billy listed. 

So we got an entire article refuting an argument that was made by...who exactly? Someone said this somewhere, so Ray wrote a whole refutation of it for some reason? And the analysis is...what exactly? That Curry won’t put up more numbers because him having the ball more is antithetical to Ray’s hastily crafted view of

Eh, Adam Eaton should have made a much better play on that hit and actually caught the ball. And the Springer walk in the first allowed them to get two runs they shouldn’t have gotten. The 3-2 pitch to him was a clear strike for the first out, yet the Ump called a ball, and the Astros went on to score 2 runs with 2

Not to mention that the Nats have the best record in baseball since May 24th. If you asked me which of two teams I thought had the best chance of winning a series and then told me that one of them had been literally the best in the league for five whole months I would feel pretty confident in that team’s chances. It

He got caught out of position and knowingly had to commit a hand ball to prevent a clear scoring opportunity- it was utterly obvious as soon as he decided he had to catch the ball that he was going to be sent off. It’s not that bizarre if you know the rules, which the goalie clearly does. This also makes Billy claim