
Exactly. That was my first thought when I read the claim. He knowingly got a red card for literally breaking up the other team’s clear scoring opportunity. If he was trying to throw the game then he could have just screwed that up even worse and let the other team score. It seems like a pretty stupid claim based

Words may have no meaning, but gifs are the universal language.

“Um...it’s kind of all fan-fic. That’s what fiction is.”

This will always be my favorite Star Wars movie.

Lol, what an utterly odd response. I point out that it’s ridiculous that people are saying these things, and your response is essentially “they are doing those things, and these are the things that people do.” I mean, true. But what’s your point exactly? It’d be one thing if you were pointing out that generally that’s

Huh? Because we don’t know enough about something we therefore HAVE to engage in judgmental nonsense based on wild conjecture? That’s the ONLY thing you think people can do? What about talking about the things we actually have some knowledge of? Tons of the comments on this article (but not on this particular thread

I wish the league would let people watch the game using the Madden cam- just put a wide angle camera behind the action so I can watch the play unfold and see where everyone is at all times. This angle is cool and all, but while watching it there were parts where you could pretty much only see the runner and about 2

“If he’s into that, it’s fine I guess. But it doesn’t sound like a healthy relationship to be in for either of them.”


This seems like an awfully long description of your own relationship to then turn around and say “and everyone else’s relationship is the same way”. Yours sounds very nice- you (nor I) have literally no idea what’s going on in anyone else’s.

That was my thought as well. I wonder how many of those other exit velocity, contact angle pitches were hit when the temperature was in the high 40s. The whole premise of the blog post is dumb (we’re supposed to stop complaining abut the juiced balls because it might have meant we’d have to see a guy mouth “let’s

People have been bitching about the juiced balls all year long, and now we are supposed to turn on our heads and start complaining about DE-juiced balls because it might have meant one less home run? This is moronic.

Gabe is an idiot. His takes are almost universally simplistic and wrong, and his blog posts are full of objectively inaccurate factual claims. It boggles my mind that someone is paying him to write about sports.

What are you talking about? Do you think Chicago, LA, and NY are the only big markets in the country or something?

It’s amazing that you think your absurd, “what have you done for me lately” level analysis is being criticized because it’s too nuanced for the internet. 

I’m not sure calling the Nats regular season “good” makes much sense. It was atrociously bad and horrific for about two months, and then the team turned into arguably the best team in the league for the remaining 112 games of the season. At no point were they a “good” team- they were either the worst in the league or

That’s such an insane and awesome stat.

In what way? A “classic” ya blew it situation is a team up 3-0, who still has two of the best pitchers in all of baseball to fall back on in the series to win 1 game out of 4? That’s a classic cursed situation? The Nats overcame our curse by winning game 5 in extra innings. At this point, I’d say we’re just a team

I’ve said it since before the season started- this year had the same feel as the Caps season when they won the Cup. After years of people hoping “this is the year” for the Nats, we went into this season with lowered expectations and a desire to just be pretty decent- exactly the way people felt about the Caps. I’ll

Robles is the #7 hitter. And how in the world did Corbin strike out 10 hitters in 3 innings? Was he pitching so well that Martinez asked the Umps to let him go for four outs in the second or something?