
He said he’s happy about the Eagles decision. He always wanted to play somewhere with Colder Weather anyways. 

No matter how salty you remain, that will always have been a perfectly good play call that just happened to not go well. #getoverityoursaltisntjustified

I was texting my sister and had called him useless twice during the game. When he stepped to the plate in the 10th I said “I’ve seen Howie come to the plate with the bases loaded 4 times in the past 3 weeks. He hasn’t batted a single guy in in any of those at bats. Do SOMETHING Howie...”

Agreed. Everyone’s acting like Kershaw choked the game away. Strasburg settled in and dominated after the first two innings, and the Nats offense was threatening throughout and finally broke through with 2 home runs. They were leaving men on base pretty much every inning, so if they hadn’t come back to win then the

A meltdown? Rendon’s homer was a tough pitch that he happened to get a great swing on. Kershaw through one stinker to Soto that he pounced on- lots of pitchers make one mistake and don’t have a hitter who can turn on it and smash it 450 feet into the stands. The Nats scored two runs off him, not 13 or anything. In

I feel like there’s a reason your argument includes only position players and no pitchers. The ability of a pitcher to have an impact on a big game is dramatically bigger than anyone else’s. I agree that the small sample size of guys like Trout makes it really hard to hold poor postseason performance against them. But

“I did fully read it and maybe my argument does suck, so my apologies.” Don’t apologize. Your argument is nuanced, and that’s the only reason people on here think it sucks. Self-righteous black and white views of incredibly complicated issues are the currency of the day at Deadspin. Your comment was never going to be

Soto had just smashed a home run his last at bat, and putting force outs in play at all the bases is a standard practice you’ll see done all the time in baseball. Do you just not watch the sport very much or something?

I’m a little bit flabbergasted at how much praise Phoenix is getting for his portrayal. You can literally see the acting decisions he is making as he is making them. It’s one of the most obvious “LOOK AT HOW HARD I’M ACTING!!!!!” performances I’ve ever seen, and just shouts for people to pay attention to it and

No. Worst case scenario is Haskins is terrible, the O-Line is awful, and because Haskins is unsure of himself and can’t make snap decisions he ends up getting clobbered over and over again by opposing pass rushers. So worst case scenario is the guy you hope will be your franchise QB gets utterly physically decimated

Except the beads were way more valuable than the seats this time around.

Jokes on the Pats fan- they had to actually go and sit at FedEx Field. 

Exactly. The guy gave up three runs early to a team that has lineup with practically zero easy outs in it, and then he shut them down for the next few innings. That’s the problem with the “Kershaw is butt” take- even when he has a perfectly fine but not dominant performance, people will then act like he stunk up the

This seems like an odd “what have you done for me lately” take. I just looked up the WNBA standings, and Fisher coached the Sparks to the #1 seed in the West. So he’s now a terrible coach who’s in over his head and can’t coach ANYONE because they lost in the playoffs? Seems a bit hasty to reach that conclusion...

I dislike Wilson as much as the next guy, but if he was trying to throw it away then that is by far the worst attempt to throw it away I’ve ever seen. 

“But no fee, however insignificant, escapes the eyes and insatiable need for social media attention of oversharing-ass Rovell, who evidently felt that this $1.68 line on his bill was the sort of thing that needed to be seen by his Twitter followers.”

I was there too! Such an awesome experience! It was amazing- you could literally FEEL the sound it was so loud at the stadium :). Couldn’t fall asleep until after 1:00 because of how amped up I was, but the rough day at work today is gonna be totally worth it.

He saw the ball go by the outfielder and was chugging to third cause he thought he could stretch it into a triple. I was at the game sitting in right field and I thought the ball would go farther than it did after it got past him too. It was a poor choice in retrospect, but he’s a 20 year old that just hit an

The description of the Brewers at the end is the standard “these guys won cause they had HEART!” style analysis, which is always insanely stupid. Their last out was an absolute bomb to centerfield that Taylor caught on the warning track! If that ball is hit 0.2% harder the Brewers snatch back the lead in the 9th on

I also love how this story doesn’t even exist without the apology. I don’t see a link in Gabe’s article to a prior deadspin story about the hit, so this appears to be the kind of questionable play that happens in a ton of football games that would have been utterly forgotten and ignored if a college student didn’t