
Because Disney presented a viable and profitable business strategy to them that resulted in an increased likelihood of the movie generating a higher rate of return on Sony’s investment.

LOL. I did, but how is that a sign of fan outrage? I couldn’t believe that people were under the impression that Sony and Marvel were NEVER going to resume talks. Go back and look at my posts from when this story broke- Sony walking away was always an obvious negotiating tactic- it’s not like they weren’t going to EVER

Not to mention that we don’t even know what CTE’s impacts are. It’s become a catch all for “football player does something crazy- MUST BE CTE!” We literally don’t know enough about the disease to make any of those causal claims, so even if AB has CTE that doesn’t in any way mean we can say that therefore his behavior

I’m aghast at how oblivious the cult of Bernie supporters are to the harm they’re actually doing to their own movement. Just look at the likes and replies on this thread- your comment expressing exasperation with Bernie Bros has far more likes than a pro-Bernie comment, and that’s on Splinter! This whole website is a

Are you actually unable to comprehend how perfectly he proved the point? Traffic Cone Number 3 says “the problem with Bernie bros is that they attack anyone who doesn’t pass their purity test going back decades.” Then someone responds by saying “stop playing- based off your comment we know that you’re an awful Trump

I don’t think I’ve ever seen a situation on deadspin where people are willing to bend over backwards to the degree that they’re doing so for AB. This worked out well for the league somehow? Fuck no it didn’t- they’d much rather have one of the most exciting players in the world playing every Sunday. It’s in their

I do love the inconsistency of the deadspin hivemind in comments section. Certain folks should be strung up and paraded through the streets Cersei Lannister style for some acts, but other folks who have seemingly committed far more egregious behavior just “need help” and we’ll bend over backwards to point out all the

I also love how everyone points out how unique this movie is for a comic book movie while also saying it really has nothing to do with comic books besides the names of the characters. So it’s not actually a comic book movie, no matter what title you give it. It’d be like making a Superman movie but instead of having

Agreed. I came here today because I saw that the movie had lost a HUGE amount of points on the metacritic score since it originally screened at the film festival a few weeks back. The critics who saw it there raved about it, but everyone else seems pretty “meh”. I always feel like those festival showings are hugely

I’m totally onboard with that point, but my standard response is “well, if they didn’t want to create conflicts that have 9 minute solutions then the writers should’ve done a better job.” It’s harder to write stories that hold up to some logical questioning, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t roll our eyes a bit at

Exactly. WWZ requires you to just accept at face value all of its claims about why things happened the way they did. Which, fine. It’s a novel, so you want me to accept the world as you’ve constructed it and I’m totally down for doing that. But let’s not pretend like it actually made any sense about how things would

Agreed. That was a pretty tame celebration, and it wasn’t like he called out Schwarber or pointed at him or anything. Even by baseball’s ridiculous unwritten rules, that’s nothing to start screaming at a guy over.

I wish all my teams could be “cursed” enough to have the best record in their sport *eye roll*

This website is run by a bunch of a-holes, which we all knew, but just look at the comments section here to see just how skewed and manipulative they are about the information they choose to present. You have a few comments from people making jokes, one person who writes in support who then gets a rebuttal that draws

Agreed. This looks like another movie with a great premise that turned into a crap film. 

Eh, pulling a random internet comment out of the ether and then mounting an attack against it as if it is a legitimate point to be made is pretty absurd. I can find some internet commenter who says that Bernie is going to walk into my house and take my paycheck out of my wallet, but that doesn’t mean that I’ve found a

Exactly. She criticizes the owners for not being qualified to be the standard bearers for how society should view certain subjects (which they are clearly NOT qualified to be), but then points out how a bunch of former football players didn’t really go into depth about what this story REALLY means. Society now expects

“Abrams has definitely made some decisions I didnt care for, but come on, there is a reason he is being tapped for these kind of deals.”

“FWIW, Ben Kingsley is Indian on his father’s side, so he could have been seen as playing a loosely-defined “Asian” character based on the trailers.”