
Eh, players choose not to sign shit for people who come running up to them screaming all the time. The only reason this video went viral was because he came up with a funny line as he walked past him. No reason to feel sorry for the kid or angry at the player. 

I also found his whole “teammates love guys like this and don’t care at all about their behavior” argument given that later on he pointed out how AB, TO, Bell, et al., all left teams in large part because of how much their behavior was pissing off their teammates. A lot of his statements contradicted, in part at

“The world is waiting for Saints fans to shut up about refereeing—a narrow loss Monday night would’ve restored their anger for another century.”

You realize that the Empire didn’t actually fall for that line? They immediately sent stormtroopers to go attack Solo. As opposed to Hux, who just keeps ranting and shouting despite how obvious and infantile Poe’s “jokes” were, and nobody scrambles tie-fighters or blasts him to dust until after he begins his attack.

You may have felt that way because you can hear when 10 people laugh out loud, but you can’t hear 75 other people rolling their eyes. 

Absolutely disgusting journalism on Samer’s part. Politely asking sources to send him an anonymous email with information relevant to an ongoing story? Get outta here with that nonsense! He should be disbarred.

A sac fly also involves a runner starting his sprint from a dead stop. The runner here is already running hard, so it’s a much better position for the runner to be in. Sending him home was the right decision. Sometimes the right call just doesn’t work out is all.

I do appreciate the implication here that the rest of the world can’t do anything stupid unless America teaches it to them in the first place. It is both an oddly condescending view of the world AND one that views the rest of the world as better than us.

That is 100% the point he was making. Spinning it into some sort of criticism against Clinton is pretty dang stupid, and doing so requires palmofnapalm to willfully misinterpret and spin the comment in order to act like Krasinski is some loony conspiracy theorist.

I’m confused as to what the claim you’re making is. He’s paid an annual salary, right? It’s not like he’s an hourly employee. So these activities are things that he is paid for, and he didn’t perform activities that he was contractually obligated to perform. How is this the team being able to fine him for not showing

I’m not sure how they’re contradictory. The ones I see have the marketing on the top half of the packaging, and the bottom half is clear. So they put the flashy stuff up top and you can still see the eggs (and if they’re cracked) by looking at the bottom. Where is the contradiction? 

You can go. I wouldn’t recommend it though. And I say this as someone who had a very serious alcohol problem and hasn’t touched a drop in 10 years. AA is a cult that teaches pseudoscience and nonsense to blame and shame folks into sobriety. Their success rate is no better than doing nothing at all, so they’re most

Legally, the argument I would expect the family’s attorney to make would be that the lower level guy was acting in his official capacity as an employee of the team. The team hired the guy to help with the players, get them shit, etc., so the employee’s only reason for interacting with the player is because of the team

Probably the same way that they got to other variations in the other movies...? I don’t see why you need Genisys or Salvation to exist to justify Skynet having other terminator models beyond the ones in T1 and T2.

Do all the people asking outraged questions about what legal terms mean not have access to google or something? 

Murder and felony murder- you can be charged with felony murder when a death occurs as result of the commission of another, specifically enumerated crime. Here, the defendant was in the act of committing other felonies (burglary, assault, something like that), when the three people were shot while committing that

Remember like 2 weeks ago when a black assailant who literally shot six actual police officers was peacefully apprehended without incident? It wasn’t that long ago. I’m not sure how the race of this murderer suddenly became something we should be focusing on in this story. 

I’m sure they didn’t bring in the tank to deal with a naked 18 year old. Rather, I’m sure that they had no idea exactly how serious this could get or what scenarios would present themselves, including things like having an armed and deranged man holed up inside a home. All that they were saying was that they literally

“Basketball’s a close second, but I would argue that if you try to cherry-pick and/or pick up a technical, you will not play anything approaching enough minutes to get a good enough look. No coach would give you the time. I’d say it’s 51-49 baseball, with luck providing a margin of error of about 2.”

“Has any athlete ever behaved appropriately in a press conference and actually supplied a valuable answer to a presser question?”