
A waiter makes a mistake and/or does something that you don’t like and you think it’s okay to be an asshole to them? What does that make you?

Not to mention that the booing that he’s complaining about (and that Deadspin seems so outraged by) is pretty much just mild criticism from a few folks in the stands. Sure, if he was getting racial epithets hurled his way then they would have crossed the line. But the Phillies have been disappointing, so some of the

Jesus, the guy hit a walk off home run to win a regular season game against the second worst team in the NL, and now he’s a “walk off hero”?? I’m not sure why that especially non-noteworthy accomplishment means that the fans can’t boo him for explicitly criticizing them. Relax Deadspin. 

Holy shit, people care enough about their comments being ungreyed that they’re emailing the writers to beg them for their status back? No wonder the Deadspin crew are such entitled weenies!

“Philadelphia has to pay an “a-hole premium”to land free agents.”

In what fantasy land do you exist? Booing is now unacceptable in most fandoms? Get over yourself man. A little bit of booing and modest heckling of professional athletes is not some horrible human rights violation the way your comments are all implying. 

Imagine getting paid incredibly well to play a game that thousands of people will pay to come watch you play and then whining and complaining because one of them randomly said something moderately insulting to you from a distance. If you offered me a contract that paid me this guy’s salary and then said it meant that

I’m utterly perplexed by this seemingly increasingly popular notion that ANY level of negativity directed at professional athletes is crossing some line of acceptable behavior. It boggles my mind that lines like this get taken seriously:

This seems pretty benign for a player to get all worked up about. A player that gets a fan kicked out of a game for something as mild as “you did something right by batting for that lousy teammate of yours” seems like the entitled one to me. I get that this guy seems to be a journeyman who may not be making tens of

I’m always curious as to what the rules of Deadspin’s snark are. When some incredibly wealthy people are obnoxious and petty jerks it gets a whole day devoted to attacking and insulting them, and then when others do it Deadspin writes articles praising the cleverness of the act. It makes no sense to me. This seems

That was exactly my point...

LOL, thank you for backing up the claim I made in my original post. You’re going to ignore a movie that hasn’t been made no matter what just because it didn’t come from your preferred corporate production company. Brilliant idea :)

I always wondered how Spidey’s powers worked through the suit in the first place. Like, since his regular suit isn’t fingerless, how does he stick to walls? He’s wearing shoes, yet his toes can still stick to stuff? Are his powers some kind of universal magentism or something? I thought his powers meant that he could

LOL, what an absurd notion. “I WILL ONLY WATCH PRODUCTS WHERE THE MONEY FLOWS TO MY PREFERRED CORPORATE OVERLORDS, REGARDLESS OF STORY-TELLING QUALITY!” I cannot for the life of me understand this notion that only Disney-related products are worth supporting. 

Exactly. Everyone is just hammering Sony at this point for utterly ruining Spiderman and doing all these terrible things, and yet literally nobody (including Sony and Disney at this point) can say with any certainty what sorts of rights and access to which properties Sony will have when the next Spidey movie starts

The fact that people think that they know exactly what rights Sony will or will not have based on the limited and shoddy reporting of the negotiations that have stalled is mind boggling to me. It is entirely unclear what access to what parts of the MCU will remain by the time the next Spidey movie starts filming.

I cannot for the life of me understand this newfound disdain for the original 2 spider-man movies (the hate for the third is understandable and not newfound). The first one is a great origin story, and the second one remains one of the best superhero movies ever made. Fans nowadays seem to think that anything not MCU

“The footage looked dazzling and lovely and a perfect balance of what fans remember from the animated film, but with the live-action drama and scope they’ve come to expect from Disney.”

Because they’ve done a terrible job making us actually care about any of the new characters. I honestly feel no emotional connection with any of them, so I’m not really invested in their survival or happy ending. If you killed off Rey, Finn, and Poe in Episode IX and had R2-D2 kill Kylo Ren to save the resistance (or

The fact that some fans are assuming that JJ would have created something new shows how little they’ve been paying attention. OF COURSE this came from an earlier Star Wars story!