
I have no idea what your whole comment means. The fans booed- they didn’t ban him from retiring. He’s still retiring, precisely because he is aware of all the things you said. The fans also don’t “owe” Luck anything. He’s not their best friend. He’s not their family. He was the QB of the team they follow. If they want

“Andrew Luck is not an entertainment product.”

“As a general rule, sports leagues shouldn’t be weighing in as judges and juries on sexual assault”

“It’s not that its star is a rapey scumbag, it’s that its protagonist is a statutorilyrapey scumbag.”

Agreed. I always felt like the games were better watched than played anyways- the mechanics were so frustrating and poorly constructed, but the scenes were expertly directed and cinematic, so it’s more enjoyable to watch someone go through the game than to have to control the floppy raggedy ann doll that is Nathan

100%. Disney did a masterful move with this. You have what sounds like pretty complex and nuanced negotiations going on around a multi-billion property, and Disney has convinced the general public that Sony is going to take away their spiderman from fans FOREVER. Now everyone is up in arms about an incredibly

THANK YOU! It’s amazing to me how many people seem to think “I love the MCU, and Disney makes the MCU movies, so therefore I love Disney’s BUSINESS PRACTICES and think that Sony is just a big jerk!” They’re two megacorporations negotiating with their own bottom line in mind. Disney isn’t politely and nicely trying to

Do you have a source for that claim? My understanding was that the production costs had always been split at roughly the same rate as the profit sharing, so Disney wasn’t putting up a ton of the costs. Every article I’ve read that has discussed this aspect of the prior arrangement has said pretty much the same thing,

That’s what I’m curious about as well. All the articles I’ve seen just say that Feige isn’t going to be a lead producer anymore. They don’t discuss what the actual implications are for the property, or what the status of the prior arrangements are. Disney seems to have done a great job spinning this story to make it

Your argument is hobbled by the fact that walking away from an offer is a perfectly acceptable negotiating tactic. Disney can come back with something more reasonable if they want.

The lack of sophistication being demonstrated by the commenters here is amazing. And I love how they’re conflating their love of Marvel movies with their views on how Disney negotiates multi-billion dollar deals. They’re acting as if the suits at Disney are morally correct entities engaging in negotiations for the

If you start with an absurd starting position you’re going to find yourself negotiating with an empty chair. If I offer to sell you my car for $20,000 and you offer $500 then I’m going to walk away- you’re not negotiating in good faith. Disney started with “we want 10x what our prior, mutually-beneficial deal was

A) Pulling out of negotiations IS a negotiating tactic. You can’t praise Disney’s excessively strong negotiating tactics as just being the way things work and then get mad at Sony for using similar strong arm tactics. You don’t think Sony is going to refuse to take Disney’s calls or not talk to them at parties because

I had the same reaction. I thought that there must have been an earlier version of the article that said this was all Sony’s fault or something, and that I’d only read it after io9 updated it with new information. The fandoms reaction makes zero sense to me. Sony and Disney had an arrangement. That arrangement has

Not to mention that the throw itself was 100% the correct call in that situation. Yeah yeah yeah, it didn’t work out, but that wasn’t the fault of the play call. Everyone loves the post hoc analysis, but that was a perfectly reasonable and solid decision at the time.

EDIT: Removing my comment since literally a half dozen other guys already made the same point. 

And that time he assaulted two guys over a minor fender bender in suburban Maryland.

Fair. I mean, my comment was riddled with exclamation points and all-caps rants. Next time I’ll just try to point out why referencing that study in order to support a claim about spoilers benefiting viewers is absurdly silly without all the personal attacks and screaming.

Exactly. I found the author’s tying of Soul Cycle attendance with utterly uninformed wealthy hipsters to be bizarre. I work for the DC government and have lots of colleagues who like Soul Cycle. We’re not making $250k, but I guess anyone who attends Soul Cycle and was upset about this news must conform to the author’s

No. Just because the author of the study hypes up his results like that does not mean that’s what that study actually showed. All it showed was that if you bring people into a lab with no expectations of what they’ll be reading and then give them short stories that they know nothing about to read, that some of those