
There were a whole bunch of things in Endgame that would have sucked to have heard about beforehand. Sure, some of them were things that if I wanted to I could have spent time working out beforehand, but the whole movie is constructed to give you an emotional response when certain things happened. I went in relatively

100%. I absolutely love how easily people will take certain claims at face value. The study’s author claims this shows spoilers don’t matter, so because a psychologist makes a claim (and a self serving one at that- his study gets massively more interest if he claims it shows that something millions of people think is

I love the obnoxiousness of this opinion. It’s based on a willful misreading of what the studies show, not to mention that it’s literally telling people who are saying that they’re upset about something being spoiled that they’re dumb and wrong about their own feelings. Just because something drives interest doesn’t

THANK YOU! I cannot for the life of me figure out where people get this notion that because they personally don’t have a problem with spoiling things that therefore EVERYONE else who is upset about something is literally wrong about whether or not it bothers them personally. If you want to go to a movie just to

The whole reason that story trended on Twitter was because the overwhelming number of people shared the hashtag to criticize it. You had a TINY number of people who were upset about it, and then a global backlash to that tiny handful of folks. It’s an absurd story that never should have existed in the first place.

I haven’t read the books, but I agree about Butcher. I thought he was extremely one note as well- they basically just said “what if we had a guy speaking in a cockney accent who says cunt a lot?”, and then just built a persona around that. He at least did A LITTLE bit more than just playing off that stereotype, so I

Not to mention why would he have brought the baby into the room in the first place if he was trying to save him? He knew he was about to murder Stillwell and didn’t give a damn about stopping Butcher from blowing the explosives. Plus, it’s going to be an interesting story to see how Butcher handles murdering a small

But that’s not throwing away any chance for a storyline based on the dead baby. Butcher just murdered a small child in his quest to get back at Homelander for his mistaken belief that Homelander raped his wife. That story is ripe for examination- how does Butcher deal with that, how does he reconcile it, can he

Oh god, I HATED Frenchy. That atrociously over the top french accent and exaggerated performance was like watching amateur hour at an improv where someone in the audience shouts out “play a french stereotype!”

I found most of it to be pretty dull and bouncing between horribly written and merely passably written. Butcher was a great example- let’s have a guy say the word “cunt” a lot, and just generally be a dick to everyone, and that’s pretty much it. His whole schtick will be “whatever happens, he’s gonna call the person

I was just on the PS Store last night and saw this pop up and initially thought they’d released the new Doom game (which I have since learned is actually called Doom: Eternal, right?) without me being aware of it. It clearly isn’t a brand new game, so when did this come out and why was it being promoted on the PS

So, basically- “I hope that there aren’t actual reasons why my simplistic understanding of economics might be wrong.”

The Lion King is currently the 16th highest grossing domestic release of all time, with only about a million bucks to break into the top 15. I don’t think this is exactly the World of Warcraft style “international audiences buoy the box office results” outcome that the author implies. Endgame also had more than 2x its

Agreed. Nothing about this situation says “mental health problem” to me. It’s more just an arrogant guy who is used to getting his own way being upset that other people are telling him what to do. I don’t even know what mental health disease people are claiming he has here. Everyone’s just rushing to defend a guy who

And multiple independent, peer-reviewed studies of police shootings have failed to find any evidence of racial bias. Cops are a-holes, and their training emphasizes force in ways that endanger the public. But there doesn’t seem to be any evidence (outside of the disproportionate attention paid by the media and the

Exactly. People look at Solo and think “the market won’t sustain so much Star Wars!”, while ignoring that it simply wasn’t a very good movie, and audiences simply weren’t interested. Audiences will pay to see good, interesting movies that are attached to blockbuster properties. I guarantee you that if Disney makes

That last point is crucial. Regardless of the reason, Westbrook went into this with eyes wide open and the full negotiating ability to simply walk away from the deal if he didn’t like these terms. This wasn’t a greedy owner taking advantage of a player the way Deadspin is implying- it was two parties with equal

Stop it with the nuanced understanding of what’s really going on here. Deadspin wants to just hammer the whole “billionaires are manipulative monsters and the players are their pawns” narrative, even when talking about two guys that are probably each worth at least 11 figures. The fact that Westbrook wasn’t forced by

The tenor really is bizarre. I get the whole “billionaires are richer than multimillionaires” take and all, but hammering it so consistently does start to sound like Deadspin thinks someone making $38 million a year is in dire financial straits. Like, in what possible world are we supposed to feel sorry for Russel

A) This is going to be on Disney’s streaming service.