
I’d love more context for this complaint in order to see if claims of sexism are actually justified. How far into the development process were the female led shows? Had they already aired episodes? If so, did any of the shows seem to catch on with any subscribers, or were they largely ignored and unprofitable? How

The whole analysis about why he went to the Nets is laughable. Chris is essentially saying “the reasons he gave are subjectively silly. I don’t think they should have mattered as much, and these counter points are what I would have cared more about, so therefore Durant is obfuscating the truth from us and is an

He explicitly included statistics about other gun deaths, and then you attack him for not realizing that his statistics include gun deaths. His point was NOT about minimizing the importance of guns in the equation- it was about pointing out how there are horrific things that we need to keep our focus on everyday

Still haven’t finished my first cup of coffee this morning, so the first few times I read your comment I thought you were saying Tom Cruise threw a dog named Tag owned by a man named Goose off of a naval vessel. I was like “WTF? I do NOT remember that AT ALL!”

Lebron excitedly participating in his son’s life and activities is somehow being compared to Donald Trump’s egomania? Jesus, the shit people can get upset about nowadays...

Eh, he left the meaningless game in a meaningless tournament and was still Lebron James son after the game. If any of the opposing players actually tried talking shit about the game then I can guarantee you Bronny can play that card to get the last laugh.

Or a response to a whole bunch of 14 year olds begging him to join them. Honestly, if one of my friends was Lebron’s kid I’d definitely be asking him to join us in layup lines. Would’ve been cool as shit. I honestly cannot understand why people would criticize any of this.

Agreed! One of the interesting things about movies like this are the ways that they choose to off the characters- I just saw like a dozen of the deaths in the trailer, and I also know that the climactic battle between the two female leads will take place in the villains Swanky mansion. This movie already sounded rote

The whole tone of the article and the comments section is absurd. Amazon enters into agreement with law enforcement to ensure they have a way to obtain video footage of crimes committed ONLY IF the private owners of the video cameras gives explicit consent to share the data. The horror!! Amazon then provides marketing

Imagine having a career where people on the internet know who you are and envision you in a variety of roles they think you’d be perfect for.

Sure, but that addresses the audience’s expectations. Campbell was criticizing the green screen on the basis of the fact that it gives the actor nothing to work with- ThatsTheName makes a great point that it’s a bizarre critique given that for hundreds of years, minimalist sets were literally all that an actor could

Your bias is showing. Only Ryan, Williamson, and Hickenlooper spoke LESS than Delaney. Bernie and Warren had by far the most speaking time, followed by Mayor Pete. The amount of time each candidate got to speak was actually pretty rational given where they all stand in the polls and who the audience would be most

I believe both Neymar and the victim are Brazilian citizens. So Brazil could prosecute Neymar for crimes committed against its citizens that occurred abroad, and could have jurisdiction over Neymar for crimes he commits abroad because he is a citizen. France could still elect to prosecute him under the territorial

This is what I find so boring and useless about Deadspin’s discussion of stories like this one. It’s like the writers are intellectually incapable of recognizing nuance (or editorially forbidden to). You can 100% agree that the women’s team should be paid more than they are while still being able to address the

I haven’t played PS2 since I was a kid, but I remember having this notion that the game took literally forever to beat. I just looked it up and folks online say it’s about 35 hours or so, which isn’t that bad nowadays (I mean, I’ve definitely sunk 70+ hours into games like Witcher 3, Bloodbourne, etc.), but to me that

THANK YOU! The fact that people think impersonation is the sign of a great acting job just boggles my mind. Frank Caliendo can do a great impersonation of someone- he doesn’t deserve an Academy Award for it. Acting has nothing to do with impersonation- it has to do with portraying what the character is actually all

I’m not sure why some people have decided that it’s not really acting unless you mimic the person you’re playing. If you want to watch someone do an impersonation then watch Saturday Night Live or a Frank Caliendo stand up. Tom Hanks may have absolutely nailed this portrayal and found a way to truly capture something

Why does it provide such a big advantage?

“which was “later reported that it was the hottest night of the year and made her feel especially pregnant in all the worst ways,” whatever that means.”

Must be a slow day for you guys.