
Exactly. The thing is that the show could easily have set this up in a different way. Hell, show Dany staring intently at the bells, then cut back to Jamie fighting Euron to show he’s too busy to get to the bells, and then cut back to Dany looking more and more determined and furious. Show us her deciding that the

Yup- it’s not what they did, it’s how they did it. We just jump from set up to payoff with no time to allow things to develop anymore. We spend 7 seasons with Dany being an incredibly harsh, but logically brutal leader (she killed large numbers of people, but she was always guided by a morality that drove her decision

No, I understood that was exactly your point. My entire previous comment was a direct response to the claim that just because they were hired to do something else that it is unfair to criticize how poorly they’ve done a different job that they also willingly accepted and took responsibility for.

The fact that he’s explicitly talking treason (not doubletalk, or obscure innuendo, but explicit treason) out in the open as Jon gets off the boat in the presence of half a dozen other people was shockingly stupid for anyone, let alone Varys. It made precisely zero sense for his character to behave that way. 

I don’t get this defense. You’re explaining WHY it’s bad now, but that doesn’t mean it’s not bad- it just means there is a reason why it’s bad. Sure, they were better at adapting. But they took on the job of creating the content. They could have hired talented writers to do the jobs (I guarantee HBO would have given

I don’t even understand the purpose of the Cleganebowl, outside of fan service. I get why The Hound hates his brother and wants to murder him, but those reasons all go back decades. They’d lived in somewhat peaceful coexistence ever since. If Sandor was going to kill him (or needed to fight him for what he’d done to

I’m curious as to what you think the 15% was...I can’t recall him getting a single thing right. Plus, the show keeps implying that he’s knowledgeable and smart but never does anything to show us how. He told Jamie last night that King’s Landing was going to fall because “I defended it last time and I know it better

And she won last night without destroying the city and murdering thousands of innocents. She only destroyed the city AFTER she’d conquered it and they’d surrendered. She could have easily done that with 3 dragons right from the moment she arrived in Westeros.

She wanted a multitude of things. The iron throne, and revenge against Cersei and those who had wronged her. None of which was furthered by her actions, which actually undercut her desire to get revenge against Cersei. I’m certain she wasn’t hoping Cersei would die out of her sight by falling rubble. 

Of course not. It’s much more complicated in the modern context. I was merely pointing out that claiming that this is akin to killing innocent civilians when droning or attacking enemy combatants that don’t wear uniforms and hide amongst the population is an objectively poor comparison to what Dany did last night.

Did you mention the biggest casualty: logical consistency and decent writing? 

Agreed. It was gratuitous and exhausting. We got multiple different scenes of Arya running from buildings and dragonfire that all felt exactly the same to me. Take out 90% of those scenes, have Euron die with his fleet so that you can cut out the useless duel (why the fuck did that happen? Jamie didn’t die from his

“not sure about that, as in modern warfare the term of war is so lousely applied that even undeclared wars with civil casualities are normal now...”

“it is just that until now, she more or less always got what she wanted.”

I mean, the writers literally did have her saying “I’ll be loved or feared...” and then had her kiss Jon and decide that when he spurned her she was going to go the fear route. I agree that there was a lot of build up that led to that moment, but we can’t overlook what the writers explicitly told us went into her

I thought this too. Especially if you think about the claim logically. Jon is RENOWNED for being a bastard. Everyone knows he is Ned Starks bastard son, and everyone would roll their eyes at the thought that Ned would allow such a vile lie to propagate if Jon wasn’t his son. And it would be incredibly convenient for

That has been the most frustrating thing about how people have responded to gaffes by AOC and Omar and other inexperienced but incredibly popular democratic lawmakers. If any republican was getting this much attention and widespread praise for this statements (take Dan Crenshaw for example), we wouldn’t all be bending

THAT would have been satisfying. Sandor spends all this time planning to kill his brother, sees him, realizes he’s already dead, and abandons his goal. It would have made vastly more sense for him to be the one that backed out at the last minute than for Arya to have. 

Didn’t she leave people behind to assist? What was her boyfriends name? Not to mention that you’re clearly making a lot of assumptions about what kind of a vacuum she left behind her. Sorry, but the show wasn’t all that interested in showing us the back room dealings as they negotiated a form of government for a

I would have liked it more if The Mountain’s big reveal was that he didn’t look like Humpty Dumpty had been put back together again. Between how ridiculous he looked and the slow, plodding way the fight actually went down, I’d say it was incredibly boring and overwrought. But hey, the background did look kinda cool :)