
Agreed. The dialogue was pretty mediocre (SOOOO on the nose- anyone who has paid attention to the show knows the backbone of their relationship was Jamie treating Tyrion like a human being and a brother. We didn’t need that explicitly spelled out for us), but I think Dinklage did some phenomenal work with it. 

It was amazing. They had multiple shots of her blowing up scorpions, and literally everytime the things were just impotently pointed out to the horizon. JUST LAST WEEK they established how dangerous those things were for dragons, and this week they may as well have been paper mache. What’s worse is that Dany defeats

And he always comes close to killing them, but never quite gets there. 

Agreed. Why not show the two of them having a few conversations on the weeks long trip (umm, I mean instantaneous travel) from Winterfell to King’s Landing? You can have The Hound laying the foundation for this very development over time by explaining how awful his life has been because of his focus on getting back at

The same Euron who told Yara he’d simply sail away from King’s Landing if things went south? The guy who couldn’t care less about anything and was just a big maguffin to do things on the show? The same guy who just saw his entire fleet wiped out by dragonfire and knew that Dany was decimating King’s Landing and that

Exactly. Martin’s subversions were grounded in the choices the characters made, not in the necessities of the plot rushing forwards as quickly as possible. It’d be one thing if we saw Jamie wrestle with his redemption in Winterfell after he realizes what will happen to Cersei, and then see him ultimately abandon his

The complaints have more to do with the fact that they undid his arc so sloppily and swiftly, and in a way that doesn’t make sense given what they’ve shown us of the character. It would be like if at the end of Endgame, Bucky just shot Cap in the back and then had the writer be like “What?! He’s a brainwashed Hydra

“At this point, the characters are saying what they are doing.”

Ehhh, Martin created the themes and the characters in the first 5 seasons. The showrunners just had to make what he wrote look cool and interesting. Which, to be fair, even after they got past the books the show has LOOKED cool and interesting. But it’s been clear since that time that the showrunners and writers had

It was gratuitous after a while. I was fine with her being the audience’s conduit into the suffering of the common folk via Dany’s death from above, but it went on for 15 minutes over multiple different scenes, all showing the exact same experience. At one point, I literally yelled at the screen “WE GET IT!!!!” when

Can someone explain to me why he and Euron immediately got into a duel? I mean, the improbability of Euron happening to wash ashore right where next to the secret entrance to King’s Landing (when he was blasted into the water out in harbor) was insane enough, but to have him then, in the middle of Dany destroying the

Exactly. They had him grow and learn and EXPLICITLY reject Cersei at the end of season 7, only to have him turn his back on the man he had painstakingly become (at great personal sacrifice and cost) in all of five minutes so that they could have him die with Cersei in his arms. The fact that people are celebrating

Agreed. I agree with folks who are saying that they’ve hinted at the Mad Queen transformation for a while, but not like this. Dany was shown to be brutal to those who wouldn’t subjugate themselves to her will, or to people she deemed to have been evil and beyond redemption (slave masters for example). NOTHING about

Seems kind of odd to have had her spend 7 seasons trying to obtain the Iron Throne and then have her decide to destroy the whole capital city (Iron Throne included) right when the city surrendered itself to her.

I honestly have no idea why Euron and Jamie fought. The sheer ridiculousness of Euron washing ashore RIGHT AT THE SECRET ENTRANCE Jamie was looking for was absurd enough, but then he decides to engage in a duel with Jamie? Why? What was the point of that? And then when Jamie is clearly beat, he just sits there and

It’s all just so lazy. Good writing presents characters with obstacles that have to be overcome through growth, or creative thinking, or intelligent strategizing, etc. etc. But the writers on the show don’t do any of that anymore- obstacles are just presented to raise the stakes, and then overcome when they’re no

Huh? We see him summon lightning from the sky into his sword and then use it “smote his enemy’s ruin upon the mountainside” (or something like that). They SHOW him killing the Balrog. It’s in the Two Towers.

I don’t think he gets gassed at all. I think he chokes. He doesn’t even look involved in the action frequently when a high pressure playoff game gets close- he doesn’t seem to want the ball, turns it over via lazy passes, etc. If he was jacking up threes and driving to the hole and just didn’t seem to  have legs

I’m with 100%. I despise this team, but for some reason last night I realized I was rooting for them to mop the floor with Houston. I haven’t rooted for them in YEARS, but without KD and going against this brutally bad to watch Rockets team (led by my probably my least favorite NBA superstar in James “Jack Up Nonsense

Who wants to get wet, stand around soaking in the tub while it fills up (or waste an extra towel to dry off while you wait for the tub to fill up? Or, perhaps worst of all, stand soaking wet outside the tub while it fills just dripping water all over the floor?!?!) after your pre-shower? Jesus folks, you’ve spent all