
“Boats the size Euron is running around get hard to make out very fast.”

“QED: who cares. You won’t even remember or care about this six months now. Why this obsession over these insignificant details in a show where a woman gave birth to a shadow/smoke demon that floated over hundreds of miles to go kill a man on the other side of Westeros is ridiculous. Just enjoy the magic fantasy show

Tyrion stopped being a superbrain as soon as the showrunners assumed sole control of his character. Now he’s an utter moron who hasn’t made a single correct decision in years.

I’ve been saying it since Season 6. The showrunners are and have always been morons. The further from the source material they’ve gotten the more obvious it becomes they couldn’t create a compelling character or plot point if their lives depended on it. 

Or anyone who can literally see anything happening virtually anywhere in the world at any time, both present and past (and future...?). 

The too many men rule has an explicit exception for guys who are within 5 feet of the bench that aren’t participating in the play. The offside rule doesn’t, for fairly obvious reasons. The offside rule is an objective, either/or rule. It was never intended to be interpreted based upon how much impact a player has on

Joss Whedon already laid the seeds for this in 2015 when he answered a direct question about it by saying “Did (Cap) fail? Or did he stop?” and leaving it at that. The fact that some people weren’t aware of the fact that this has pretty much always been the explanation doesn’t mean that the Russo brothers are

Not to mention that it made precisely zero sense for Cap to be able to move it A SMIDGE but not actually pick it up. Mjolnir says you have to be worthy to wield it- either you’re worthy or you’re not. You don’t get to move it to varying degrees depending upon how worthy you actually are. Worthy is a binary. The fact

Explain how he was able to move it at all in Ultron then. What, he was worthy when he grabbed it, moved it a smidge, and then lost his worthiness in that exact moment? The scene in Ultron was clearly supposed to be a playful joke, but that’s the thing about writing- once you include something it’s there and has

Their explanation is literally the only one that makes any sense. In Age of Ultron was Cap supposed to be “sort-of” worthy? He made it move- how could have done that at all if he wasn’t worthy? It’s not a “he who shall be on a continuum of worthiness shall be able to control me to varying degrees depending upon where

“Landeskog had zero impact on the play happening on the ice.”

I’m not sure what the complaint is here. The rule should have a “if you’re offside but not helpful, AND the play ends up being AWESOME, then we’ll overlook that you’re offside” exception? Offside should only be called when guys actively participate in the play? So, what, the refs shouldn’t blow a play dead when a guy

Dude, just google search for “calculator”. The one that google provides allows you to enter the whole equation in accurately before getting the answer.

I always took the order of operations to be the way it was so that you apply an exponent to the completed parenthetical. So if there HAD been an exponent (say 2), you don’t square the one and then square the 2- you add the 1 and the 2 together, and then square the three. After that, you just do standard order of

Agreed. Pretending like Denver should have been the clear, obvious, overwheming favorite makes zero sense. They only lost twice in the regular season after Nurkic went down (admittedly over only 9 games), and looked great in the first round. This series was ALWAYS going to be tight and hard fought because the entire

So happy that someone else recognizes how dumb the plot of Yesterday is. If the Beatles came out today nobody would give two shits- hell, their music doesn’t hold up as well today as a lot of other music from the same era (I’ll argue until I’m blue in the face that the Rolling Stones catalog is better to listen to

Why TF is this an article on deadspin? 

I think the show is monumentally stupid at this point, and has been for quite some time. But I don’t think they’re going to have Cersei on the Iron Throne at the end, so Dany and her squad have to do SOMETHING to win in the next two episodes. You might be right- my prediction of actually using the dragon at night

“Dany’s strength is now in Jon’s armies who follow Jon, not Dany.”

“If there’s one thing that should be the takeaway from this show/series, it’s that what is a “game of thrones” to the nobility is a constant source of instability and death to millions of common folk.”