
I’m not really sure we needed an entire article on this point. The show has beat us over the head with Varys intent and purpose for years, and I have seen precisely zero people complaining about the fact that he seems willing to curb Dany’s ascension to the Iron Throne given how equally obvious the show has been about

These are good suggestions. I have no problem with Cersei coming up with a way to kill a dragon, but to have it be so random and implausible, with precisely zero strategy being deployed by either side, was yet another example of how lazily the show rushes from plot point to plot point. Heck, have it happen as a result

Their aim is impeccable...so long as they’re not aiming at a dragon with a main character on its back. 

This is show is sticking the landing like that Auburn gymnast who shattered both her legs.

Or just fly at night. My hope is that that’s what will end up happening next episode. The writers have clearly been working overtime to flip the narrative and make it seem like Dany is now facing insurmountable odds, but to establish that situation they’ve had to show her and her advisers engaging in mind bogglingly

There are a couple of problems with this analysis:
1) The physics of it- the show has already shown us that physics don’t apply to these magical new devices, despite the fact that the message seems to be that human ingenuity can counter magical superpowers. The ridiculousness of what they can do already defies physics,

The fact that they have Sansa being grateful for her rape and torture at the hands of men is one of the most disgusting developments I’ve seen a show try to pull off in a long, long time.

Yup. 10 times more bolts being fired, at a target that is flying straight at them, at a closer range, and in more consistent point in the sky. But sure, they can go 3 for 3 on the almost impossible to even imagine shots because Dany wasn’t on the back of that dragon.

Nahhhhhh. The show is just careless as hell about actually creating a timeline. They’ve been dumb about it for at least the last season and a half, so no reason to think they’re being anything other than dumb here.

I have no idea what purpose armor (dragon or otherwise) serves on the show anymore. Remember in season 1 when Jorah dueled that dothraki and the entire reason he won was because his armor was impenetrable and it allowed him to trap the dothraki for an easy kill? And then in Battle of Winterfell he takes a stab wound

I agree with you about how many there are, but I suppose I’m just surprised that they’re so effective. Crossbows seem to be relatively common and not a new technology in Westeros, but Dragons have been presented as unkillable nuclear weapon of warfare. If you can kill them with crossbows, why hasn’t anyone thought to

Time makes no sense on this show anymore. Jamie got her pregnant, she had time to find out that she was pregnant (it’s not like you could just take a blood test at 15 days back then), Jamie went north (takes WEEKS if not months to do so), we had the Battle of Winterfell, and now enough time for Dany to have traveled

I haven’t read the books, so I’m less familiar with this prophecy, but if the prophecy is “you will be killed by a little brother” then her being killed by Arya makes precisely zero sense. Arya doesn’t magically become the conscious self of the person whose face she’s wearing- she’s just wearing a disguise. Jamie

Agreed. And you know someone who couldn’t give two shits about the rules of war or being viewed as trustworthy or honorable? Cersei. No way in hell does she give a damn about that kind of BS when she has the perfect opportunity to wipe out the one remaining threat to her position of power in all of Westeros. 

I have no idea what the show’s basis is for Dany and her advisers constantly acting like the outcome of this war is a foregone conclusion. They have been getting spanked all over Westeros, Cersei has an overwhelming number of anti-dragon weapons that are now proven to be effective, they said the numbers between the

My thoughts exactly. In season 1-4 that scene would have turned into a classic double cross. They literally had EVERY major character opposing Cersei in one place, with a tiny contingent of soldiers to defend her and Jon, and all within range of those ballistas. If GoT still had guts, Cersei’s mercenary army would

“But yeah knowing that a renowned pirate was with the enemy, you definitely might want to do some advanced scouting?”

5) They hit the first dragon like 4 times with perfect aim- zero missed shots, but then can’t hit Dany with the dozens of shots they loose when she’s charging right at them, dead on, from a closer distance? That was sure convenient for dramatic purposes.

I love how all the people who are pointing out how ridiculous the basic premise of this article is are all still stuck in the greys. Pretty much every single greyed out comment is “WTF are you talking about Gabe? This play was fine.”

The fact that the other team’s coach doesn’t have a problem with this should be all you need to know. This was unfortunate (if his injury was legit), but not against the rules, not unsportsmanlike, and not a play that required a whistle to be blown. Chalk it up in the “shit happens” category rather than trying to gin