
True, but the only reason it went to OT was because he was turning the ball over and missing every shot he attempted to close out the 4th quarter. Honestly, he was hot garbage at the end of regulation. I was shouting at the TV and begging Houston to give the ball to anyone but Harden by the end of the game because you

My thoughts exactly. He’s performing about as well as he always does in the playoffs.


Eh, I think that attitude just excuses lazy writing and storytelling. You can have them be overwhelmed in spite of their best efforts and all their brilliant planning. It makes the threat MORE terrifying to know that the humans are doing everything right and still getting crushed. By having humanity engage in one


“How were they to know that they would meet a wall of the dead?”

People are assholes on this site about spoilers. I don’t get it. Literally all the guy did was say “hey, the unavoidable picture you included for this article includes plot details and I would prefer if you chose better images in the future”. Wow, what a huge entitled comment! How dare he make a reasonable and polite

Exactly. I hate the total strawman that people that couldn’t care less about spoilers construct. They claim that spoilers don’t totally destroy the experience, that there are other things to enjoy in the movie, and that whining about the whole world being ruined by spoilers is stupid. However, that’s not why unwanted s

I’ll never understand why this is so hard for some people to figure this out. If you WANT to know the end then go right ahead and read the last chapter. A lot of people (the majority of readers) don’t do that, and they don’t do it even though they could easily do so. If you want to know what happens in Endgame, go

It would’ve been perfect in that moment, but then we would’ve missed out on the weary “I know” line when he was fighting himself. I’m satisfied with that trade off :)

And I...am...Iron Man”

Agreed. I was exactly the same- couldn’t care less about the comics, but I just love movies so I kept seeing all the marvel films regardless of how interested I was in any specific one. And then they showed Cap dancing with Agent Carter at the end of the movie and I’m holding back tears in the theater. Just such an

Except that she didn’t sneak in. They show the white walkers hair being moved by how fast she’s running to get into the courtyard. You don’t create a breeze with your movements when you sneak in anywhere.

Jon Snow’s death was my favorite main character death of the whole show for precisely that reason. He’s utterly boring and useless, constantly does the exact worst thing imaginable, and continues to fall upwards into greater power and unearned adulation. I was soooo disappointed when they brought him back to life.

Agreed. My friend and I decided the Jon Snow is the slowest man in Westeros given how close the NK initially appeared and how far away Jon was after sprinting after him during that scene.

This Jon Snow theory is very dumb. But these sentences: “Arya sneaking in to Assassin’s Creed-leap her way right into the Night King’s arms amid a crowd of ice zombies seems fantastical. More fantastical than the existence of ice zombies in the first place.” are also very dumb. I get it when random people online write

I’ve seen it 2x (third time tomorrow) and both theaters went crazy when Cap caught it and then started swinging it around like a pro. Fucking awesome scene.

Really?! It’s already at $1.64 billion, AND IT’S NOT EVEN INTO IT’S SECOND WEEKEND YET!!! If it has a 70% drop in it’s second week (so, basically just an absolute drop off of a cliff second week), it’ll still make $360 million, putting it over $2 billion in 2 weeks. Given that virtually every showing I looked up for

Agreed. Not to mention everyone saying he looks exactly like Tony Stark. I don’t recall anyone thinking that RDJ was poorly cast.

One of my favorite things about all the fanservice they pulled off was how naturally they intertwined so much of it into the fabric of the story itself. Cap weilding Mjolnir was the culmination of his entire character arc, but it wasn’t just tossed in for no reason other than to get fans smiling- it was a necessary