
“Ok, he doesn’t know the future. He just knows that if he sits under the godswood and waits patiently, that the Night King is going to come for him, and that Arya is going to kill him. He knew that Theon was going to die protecting him.”

You mean when the house of the undying (or whatever that place was called) was testing her with all the things she desired, and she had to reject all of them to escape their trap and get her dragons back? Yeah, that’s not foreshadowing the way you’re claiming it was. 

“I’m basically giving everything a pass under the ‘it’s fate’ doctrine. Bran knew what was coming and did nothing to modify the plan... he was relying on all of these decisions (good and bad) to lead to the desired outcome, and it worked.”

So much this. The biggest problem I have isn’t that the characters survived- it’s that they put themselves in situations where they MUST die, but then survived. It’s not that the show used to just randomly kill main characters- it was that the show used to have the guts to have people die when they got themselves into

That seems like an odd rebuttal to people’s complaints. They’re saying that the entire series has been building to the battle between the White Walkers and the living- years and years of episodes with one central theme: winter is coming and it will wipe out mankind. The fact that right before they revealed that “ehh,

“The more I reflect on the last episode, the more I still enjoy it in terms of spectacle but dislike it in terms of story and narrative.”

MINOR recurring characters killed. And remember last season when the Lannister army was utterly annihilated and therefore Cersei and Kings Landing were going to be entirely defenseless against any assaults? What happened then? Oh, right, Cersei magically found an entire army to make sure that she was now as formidable

The number of people who have been shouting “it’s called Game of THRONES people! It’s never been about the white walkers!” has just been absurd since Sunday’s episode. The series is called a Song of Ice and Fire, not Game of Thrones- that was just the name of the first book. The first episode of the show was called

“because without the Night King to hunt him down, he can do all kinds of intel gathering.”

Lol, true. I’m imagining a full on charge right into the walls of King’s Landing with the Dragons flying right in front of the ballista during broad daylight.

It’s especially upsetting because I actually really like the actor playing him. It’s just that the material he is working with is garbage.

Wait wait wait...people are being stupid on sports radio now?!?! What is this world coming to?!?!

Yes, I am sure. I put an echo dot right next to the one in my shower, and changed the wake word on it so that it’s different than the Sonos. I can SHOUT “Alexa!!” from the shower and I get nothing. I can say “Echo” and the dot wakes right up and starts listening.

Yes, I am sure. I put an echo dot right next to the one in my shower, and changed the wake word on it so that it’s

The battle tactics were shockingly stupid. I know I know, people will say that clearly “the show is about the emotions, duuuudddeee”, but give me a break. It’s a huge battle sequence- the largest and most expensive ever filmed, and you couldn’t take a few days to figure out away to stage the battle that was inventive

“For anyone who think this series would have a happy or drama-free ending, you haven’t been paying attention.”

“So Dany doesn’t have an army, the North barely put one together and by the end it looked like most of them were dead (Winterfell was overrun.)“

It’s especially odd given that we have spent the entire run of the series, and ESPECIALLY the last season or two, being beaten over the head with the notion that who sits on the Iron Throne is utterly meaningless in comparison to the existential threat of the White Walkers. The whole purpose of many, many seasons of

“I mean, if you want to ignore that Houston went 0-13 in back to back games with all their best players and no excuses to fall back on...”

No no no. This Warriors team won tonight, and they did so with KD scoring a lot of points. Nothing else matters- if they were beatable they would have been beaten. Since they weren’t beaten, they’re unbeatable. Houston can’t possibly win any games against them.

My thoughts exactly. “It can only be compared to Lebron’s, but I’m not gonna spend anytime actually comparing the two. In fact, the only thing I will point out is one of the things that actually makes them different. Don’t bother trying to understand what point I was going for here- I don’t think I was going for one