
This seems like a good example of an utterly useless news cycle. Journalist gets iced out of answers by Westbrook. Other journalist explicitly asks Kerr about it so he can write a story about Kerr’s anodyne response. Blogger sees article, writes new blog story about Kerr, when all Kerr did was make some pretty bland

It occurs to me that the man leading the defense against the forces that bring people back from the dead is himself a man who was brought back from the dead. I wonder why that parallel hasn’t been addressed on the show...

I could not agree with you more. Just look to Saving Private Ryan if you want to see how to expertly enhance and expand upon the story during the “calm before the big battle storm” sequences. Most of the stuff that was happening in Ep. 2 was pretty meaningless, with a few exceptions, and it didn’t drive the story or

Riiiiiggghhhhtttt...Tyrion, Jon, Sansa, Dany, Varys, et al, are all clearly too busy cooking, cleaning, and making their own weapons to talk to what is clearly the greatest sort of intelligence about their upcoming enemy in all of Westeros and who just so happens to literally be sitting in front of them with nothing

And replaced it with explosion filled action sequences, and everyone went all googly-eyed and oohed and ahhed over it. It’s like if the show went from Ex Machina to Transformers and everybody just pretended that it was even more amazing than before.

The characters lack of curiosity about Bran’s magical powers has been utterly perplexing to me. Here’s this guy that CLEARLY has these incredible gifts, who is randomly spitting out information that he should not have any knowledge of, and yet nobody has thought “hey, maybe we should be talking this guy all the time

I was actually sooooo hoping that Dany was gonna kill him at the end of last night’s episode when she realized he had a stronger claim to the throne than she did. There was a time that the show was willing to make gutsy moves like that, but that time is long past.

I wholeheartedly agree about his Winterfell line. I thought that was the one (and probably only) only time they actually showed some depth and development for him in a very long time.

Yup. I agree with the author that the episodes are getting super heavy handed, and his redemption arc may be the most heavy handed of all. No actual development being shown- instead, they just show us him doing the things. It’s the quickest, most rushed way to show a character go from an utterly deplorable coward to a

TOTAL nitpick, I know, but I always feel like we should say he reanimates the dead, not resurrects them. He’s not bringing them back to life after all.

Exactly my take. What are guys supposed to say/believe? “Ummm, yeah, we’ll try our best, but we ain’t winning the next one”? It’s ridiculous. It’s like when people freak out because some guy says he’s the best shooting guard/quarterback/tennis player/etc. If you don’t have confidence you’re not gonna make it as a pro

You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.” Wayne Gretzky

Did they not burn the bodies after that? Jon knew the dead were coming and that they could raise the corpses, so it would’ve been very stupid for him not to have ordered all those bodies burned.

Not to mention that it makes no sense whatsoever in the context of the characters. The dead are literally on the doorstep. Jon has already given up one crown to fight them. Now he’s going to blather on about his heritage and claim to the iron throne as the dead are beginning their attack??? Huh? Like you said, the

My initial instinct had been that Jamie was gonna die next week- they haven’t established that he can fight very well at all with his off hand, and he’s returned to the place of his greatest moral mistake and had him atone for it. But I think that expectation only works in the book world- in the tv show universe, the

“Also, does everyone just now totally trust Bran. I mean Danny literally is cool planning their whole defense strategy on the word of this weirdo kid that claims he’s a Raven and can see everything? No one has asked for more clarification??”

I agree that those were two consequential and important plot developments. The problem is they lasted what, 5 minutes? And the show was an hour. There were a few nice moments I suppose in the other 55 minutes, but most of it was just checking off boxes for the fans or lining up more of the reunions that they didn’t

Agreed. This season is like 7.5 hours, and they’ve spent the first two hours just setting the table and going through fan service. Every scene just felt like the writers were checking off boxes that they know the fans want to see, but virtually none of it felt important or interesting. Grey Worm and what’s her name

For anyone who actually cares, the 76ers outscored the Nets by 10 in the 4th to come back and win the game by 4. Not sure why we can’t get that information in any of the multiple post-game updates, but whatever.

Virginia is For Lovers tees are soooooo stupid and yesterday, but Choose Pasta, Nike’s retro 90s tees, and vintage Lakers shirts are hip and cool? I have no idea how one is awesome and the other is mockworthy. I’ll stick with plain v-neck tees from J Crew or similar brands- I don’t expect anyone to call me a fashion

Virginia is For Lovers tees are soooooo stupid and yesterday, but Choose Pasta, Nike’s retro 90s tees, and vintage