
I had a similar reaction when a friend told me that CT was still on Real Worlds-Road Rules Challenges, and after making fun of him for being a geriatric I discovered that he was, in fact, only a year older than I am :(

I would be much happier if they would fix it so that when I’m watching a video and click on the description’s “more” button it wouldn’t mistakenly think I was trying to see who had liked and/or shared it. The More button is way too small, so when it does that I have to go click the back button and start the video all

Really? I thought it was actually pretty poor. You could see him making each of the decisions about when his lip should quiver and how to respond- it was very apparent to me that it was an actor and not a character that was responding to the news. Jamie’s was great and very natural, but the actor playing Sam just

I think the dragons just have impeccable senses of timing. It’s almost like their actions are controlled by people who know that people are watching at home and do everything they can to make the audience go “OHHHHH SHIT!! THAT IS SO COOL!” as often as possible ;)

Are we sure that was the future for Bran? A quick google search seems to show the scene you’re referencing was in episode 6 of season 6, whereas the Sept being blown up didn’t happen until season 10, but the show has been playing fast and loose with timelines. We don’t really know for sure if Bran’s story has been

Maybe...? I mean, if he can see when he’s coming he doesn’t need to sit in the courtyard waiting for him anyways- he can just go down to the courtyard a few hours before his arrival. The reason he’s waiting is likely because the writers and showrunners know how important the reunion will be for the audience and are

“I never said that other people can’t have the force. That doesn’t have anything to do with the fact that the original trilogy is all about the Skywalkers. Their involvement and relationships and actions are literally the linchpin of the entire trilogy.”

“Anakin and Luke became Christ figures instead of, ya know, human beings (or whatever humans are called in the Star Wars universe) that fuck up and make mistakes and gain power through their experiences.”

Ay yi yi. Go reread the exchange. Again. Reading comprehension is something you may need to work on.

A point nobody has disagreed with, including the original comment that you were “rebutting”, nor my response. Heck, my initial response to you explicitly made that point. This is getting redundant.

“No, my criticism was of the idea that planning a multi-film story out before starting production on the first film automatically creates a good movie.”

I mean, sure. But your criticism was on the plan as it related to the coherence of the stories over multiple movies. You found one of the few illegitimate criticisms of the prequels. I wholeheartedly agree that the prequels had tons of other, gigantic problems. 

“And none of Nolan’s Batman trilogy were road-mapped, that is not necessarilya bad thing.”

“George Lucas had a plan for the prequels.”

Agreed. I’m not a huge fan of TFA or TLJ (they were both fine), but it’s not like Disney didn’t know what they were getting into when the made TFA. They KNEW they were making a trilogy. Why TF wouldn’t you have a plan for all 3 movies? Sure, you can give each director leeway to change certain things, but you need one

They’ve been getting better for a decade? Didn’t Gabe just write an article like 2 days ago about how shocked (SHOCKED!) he was that Portland was able to win a game and avoid being swept by OKC? If they’ve been getting for so long shouldn’t that have been less surprising to him?

IIRC, Sigourney Weaver was also the US narrator for Planet Earth. Odd not to have that mentioned here.

No mention of Sigourney Weaver narrating Planet Earth in the US?

Exactly. Not to mention saying the Knicks got rid of him because he’s too old. He’s 26 for chrissakes.

You are! I love dragons! I just don’t let how cool they are totally distract me from the issues I see with much of the rest of the show is all.