
That’s an odd thing to cite to when the whole point of the discussion is that the rules are dumb and should be drastically changed. Yes, I understand WHY they didn’t review the foul calls. Everyone understands that. The point is that the purpose of the review doesn’t address the underlying fairness of the sport and

“ Most sports fans around the world were totally willing to accept human error in return for fluidity and poetry in motion, but now we’re heading down the road of your joyless persnicketyofficiating that treats sport calls with greater consideration than a murder trial.”

The correct call on that particular possession would have been Moretti going to the line to shoot two free throws because Guy fouled him multiple times. Limiting the review to getting the technically correct call on the out of bounds play doesn’t actually address the fundamental fairness of the play or get to the

“like awarding Virginia possession for knocking the ball out of bounds because it lingered on the fingertips of the Texas Tech player’s hands 0.000001 seconds longer.”

“And sure, the number of total blown calls evens out over time, but not the big ones. It’s not like Auburn is going to end up the finals next year as the beneficiary of a missed double-dribble or some other blown call.”

“Do you really think fans would accept a world in which demonstrably blown calls are just part of the game, when there exists technology to get them right?”

If fans need to accept anything, why not tell them to accept that sometimes super close, impossible to tell without a hundred cameras and super slo-mo calls will sometimes be wrong? We literally tell fans that for the entire rest of the game and they accept it just fine. 3-4 replay reviews taking ten minutes of

I was rooting for UVA and hate-hate-hated this. The whole tourney was bogged down by ridiculous reviews. “Is there 56.7 or 55.9 seconds left on the clock in the first half?” style questions are utterly absurd and should be completely removed from the game. From the Elite 8 forwards every single game was absolutely

The interminable reviews are destroying the enjoyability of the game in key moments. I don’t mind a quick review, but put a shot clock on the refs. If you can’t tell who hit the ball out after 25 seconds then the call stands. Basketball is inherently subjective, and there are calls that COULD be made on literally

And I see lots of people trashing movies I really liked every year, but I don’t make something of a hobby out of talking trash to them because their opinion is different than mine. Some people didn’t like the movie- why does that upset you so much?

I’m so utterly perplexed by fans of TLJ insistence that Rian invented the notion that “the Force belongs to everyone”. That’s literally been a part of the lore since ANH, and the prequels absolutely hammered that point. There were literally thousands of Jedi that had no Skywalker or Obi Wan familial connections. It

It’s always disappointing to go to the comments sections and see the negativity people have for these kinds of posts. No, this guy didn’t put on 20 lbs of muscle in a month- he just got leaner. Yes, he was already in relatively decent shape to start. But heck, he put in a lot of work and got pretty good results from

“to explore how and why Lucas’ view of the perfect Jedi, serene, still and emotionally-disconnected, is in fact a bad thing.”

“The idea that the Force was a thing, and would have been a thing and continued being a thing regardless of what the Jedi or Sith may have done with it...is perfect.”

The score was 82-80 after the made layup put Baylor up, not 83-81. It’s right there in the gif.

Nobody else is comparing anyone’s fitness to anyone else’s other than you. How is your reading comprehension this bad? And the fact that you keep referencing what the strength of her character should be to her actual, real world strength is just bizarre. You realize she’s an actor, right? She’s not actually Captain

Defining what someone else should be doing based on what you accomplished, without knowing anything about their goals relative to that metric, their training program, what they started with, etc. etc. etc. is the very definition of a purely arbitrary metric. Her achievements are somehow less-than just because you

LOL, the irony of your comment is spectacular :)

And that’s based on...what, exactly? Some supplements (creatine for example) are well researched and safe to use, and it’s not like the article said he was recommending wheatgrass suppositories. What’s your basis for attacking this guy’s credentials and recommendations?

See point A above- they’re not assisted.