
Run Pee the app. That’s the best advice I can give folks. I get a large soda at every movie I go to, which means that at about the 1 hour mark I’m normally starting to squirm. The Run Pee app gives you a couple of good times to go the bathroom, gives you a brief non-spoiler cue for what will be happening on screen

A) HGH and Steroids aren’t magic elixirs that allow you to do whatever you want in life and get big and strong.

Anyone can get results, not just celebrities. Yes, you’re likely to make faster gains and see faster results if you can afford a trainer/nutritionist/etc., but literally anyone can spend more time moving on a daily basis and improve their health and physique. Don’t hide behind the cop out of “celebrities only look

A) I don’t see her feet touching the ground.

No update with Giannis’ back breaking rejection of Embiid? Okay...

As someone who knows a number of massage therapists, I can tell you that the fact that anyone considers their profession anywhere in the country to potentially be “erotic” is infuriating and demeaning to them.

Welcome to Deadspin, where if someone the writers have decided they don’t like says something that they would normally agree with they’ll still find ways to attack the person for it. His statement was pretty on point and relevant, not that any of that matters here.

Instead of giving him a T he should give him a very demonstrative Z.

I’m also a DC resident and actually a (casual) Nats fan- where’s the evidence that people are hating on Harper? I honestly haven’t seen any of that in the area, but maybe I’m missing something...?

I live in DC and I’m a casual Nats fan. What makes you say that the relationship with the fans was fraught? I thought that he wasn’t worth paying $300+ million dollars for (but that’s cause it’s baseball- I don’t really think any one player can make THAT huge of a difference), but I liked the guy, and I don’t know any

Genuinely curious since I have no idea who this guy is- all he did was maybe play poorly in an important soccer match or something? Is that what people are upset about? Cause I feel like people should still be able to live their lives even if they screw up in an athletic event. I was under the assumption we had all

LOL, my bad. I didn’t realize the two comments were the same guy. I thought that the second post was a different guy responding to your initial post. I’ve removed my response.

Did you follow the season at all, or are you just throwing this out there based on how competitive their tourney games were? They literally beat the other 3 teams in the Final Four this year already (including beating UVA twice). They crushed Kentucky (a team that was a bucket at the end of regulation away from being

Edit for error.

Of course you would. He’s a 6'7" 19 year old with quickness and speed, he averaged 22.6/7.6/4.3 (leading scorer for Duke), and has performed exceptionally well in some of the biggest games of the season. Just because he couldn’t come through last night doesn’t mean he’s not one of the very best players in the nation.

Quite a hot take. Duke loses by 1 point to the #5 team in the country and they’re overrated because they had a close game against a good team in the tourney? I’ll never understand these after the fact analyses people lob out there. March Madness is great precisely because you don’t know who’s going to win- one team

The tweet’s sample size is especially egregious when you realize that Duke also WON a ton of close games this year, and there’s no mention of how Barrett did in those games (hint, in a lot of them he had unbelievable games). Heck, just go back all the way to TWO GAMES AGO when Barrett made the game winning layup

That tweet looks like hot garbage to me. In looking up Duke’s record this year, I’m seeing a whole bunch of games where Duke just barely squeaked by. In many of those games Barrett had 28+ plus points. Claiming this guy is a choke artist because he happened to miss shots in games that Duke lost is just absurd

It’s a pretty bad sign for a sports blog when the comments section are providing analysis and evidence that the writer wholly failed to include. Another factor not mentioned? Barrett was 3-5 from 3 when he put up that potential game winner. Or how about the fact that Duke had tried forcing it in to Zion multiple times

Such an awful take. Despite Gabe’s after-the-fact analysis, the 3 to take the lead was a pretty good look, and Barrett was 3-5 from 3 point land when he put that up. If you ask any Coach in America “hey, you’re down 2- if you have a guy that’s 60% from 3 for the game get an uncontested look from the top of the key, do