
Exactly. The only time fighting is justified is if someone else is being the moron who thinks fighting is a good idea. So even in that situation, the real answer to “is fighting ever worthwhile?” is no, because the best solution to that scenario is for the instigating a-hole not to instigate. 

If a stand needs to be taken, fist fighting is usually #1,982 on the list of forms that stand should take. There are always going to be countless better ways to resolve a situation that don’t involve violently attacking another human and putting yourself (and the other person) at risk for serious bodily harm or death,

I’m glad to see someone on here speaking with some semblance of reason. The whole tough-guy mentality of “my fists are the perfect tools to impart lessons and order to the world” is utterly ludicrous. It’s the same as the people who argue that having tons of guns in the home makes you safer from an intruder. That

This seems like a pretty good place to put out my plea for assistance in car buying, so here goes. I’m in the market for a car, and my plan had always been to drop between 15-18k on a used car, with my eyes on something like a 2016-2018 Kia Optima or an equivalent competitor. Then I read all about the Civic SI and

The only things dumber than a dumb tweet are all the articles generated by dumb tweets. I really wish we’d stop spending so much time discussing/criticizing/praising the utter nonsense that twitter exposes us to. 

True. But they’ll probably spend less time in jail and bankruptcy than he will too, so there’s that at least.

Bloodborne has to be the most rewarding gaming experience I’ve ever had. I bought it when I first got a PS4 without having even heard of Souls games and got my ass absolutely demolished for a few weeks. I gave up, thinking that there was no way it was worth the time to git gud. A year or two later I gave it another

Should he really be sorry for anything else? The guy got a handjob- does he owe everyone in America a personal apology for it?

Some of the things on that list are also pretty minor to then have the label “rape and child molestation enabler” thrown about. Someone pointing out that they wanted to see more evidence against Fairfax before making up their mind because of the fact that black men have been falsely accused of rape for centuries is

That’s the joke. People who are married don’t have sex. It was a hilarious joke during the Roman Empire.

“I watched a video where a man pushed his wife to the ground to end a 25 minute public argument. How common is this where you live?” 

You started off by saying “rich people” avoid consequences, but now you’re just limiting it to certain rich people (MLB players are pretty well off, in case you hadn’t heard about any contracts signed since the 1950s)? And the consequences you’re talking about are stupid and infantile, and would only happen to the

Agreed. I feel like he’s a perfectly fine actor, but that the character of Jon Snow is the most one-note snoozefest imaginable, especially when compared to some of the other characters on the show. Ironically, the only character I find even more boring is Dany at this point, and unfortunately it feels like the two of

Did you watch the video, or are you just going off the descriptions you’ve read from people engaging in performative outrage?

Regarding #2- agreed, but I’m so friggin’ sick of Deadspin spending so much time just attacking other websites. This site is full of hack writers putting out shitty takes, sometimes in entertaining ways and sometimes in just plain stupid ways. The fact that they spend so much time scouring the internet for articles on

Agreed. That video shows him grabbing for his own phone, and then the chair slowly topples over and she harmlessly falls off of it as she maneuvers to prevent him from getting his property back. It’s not a pretty image, and I don’t think either of the people involved are acting like adults, but he should be arrested

I gave up halfway through. There didn’t seem to be any point whatsoever to what I was reading. Kudos to you for sticking it out 2x.

Sure. A dramatically less important part of the game, but not completely irrelevant to the consideration. Bonds did win a whole bunch of gold gloves, and I wouldn’t say his defensive abilities do much to undercut just how incredibly/obscenely/historically terrifying he was as an offensive juggernaut. Every advanced

Precisely. Bonds was great early on without being “all-time great”, but I don’t see there being any chance that Trout becomes the absolutely unstoppable force that Bonds became after he started shoveling two tons of PEDs into his system every day. I just pulled up some of his numbers from the late-90s forwards, and