
Will they be wrong? I mean, Bonds was clearly cheating and whatever, but wasn’t he the best player ever if you ignore that and just base it on his actual metrics? I’m not a huge baseball fan, so I could very well be wrong, but I thought that Bonds isn’t considered arguably the best player of all time pretty much

Lebron wasn’t going to play in the east or beat the Raptors if the Lakers made the playoffs though...

And of course, no matter how many likes my comments get (either on this article or the actual Ronaldo article), Deadspin is going to keep me in the greys so that they can avoid having more people realize just how absurd the site can be on some of the issues that it most aggressively attacks others on.

Hahahaha, I literally inserted and then deleted quotations around writers when I wrote my comment :)

Jesus dude, do you honestly not know what the words “criteria” or “metrics” mean? No wonder you think Kobe is the 3rd best player of all time.

Still. I mean, what’s the actual criteria? 

For sure. Does any other website care enough about Deadspin to do the same to the writers on here?

Claiming he’s the third best player ever is absolutely ludicrous. How do you justify that? What metric are you basing it off of?

Not to mention the utter uselessness of public opinion polls, at least in the way Hot Take is using them. Public opinion polls support medicare for all- until you change the wording slightly to highlight how much your taxes will go up. He’s using simplified opinion polls to describe where the majority of Americans are

Deadspin literally just published a puff piece fawning all over Ronaldo like 4 days ago, and the only mention of the rape case against him (which he settled with the accuser who is now raising very legitimate claims) was to provide a link (with virtually no description) to an article about Juventus’ owner not talking

Those VOX stats just prove he’s center left. If they showed that he was more conservative than 25% of republicans then the claim would be justified. But the Democrats are too the left of center- showing he’s not as liberal as many in the left party doesn’t make him right. 

What a terrible defense of the article. “This article was worthwhile because when you run for President all sorts of people will say all sorts of stupid things, some good and some bad.” Okay, true. If the article had been about Beto saying that the coverage of him was unfair then your point might make sense. But why

She was imbued with the stone’s power (and yes, that felt incredibly silly to type), so I don’t think her powers are tied to it in any concrete way. She’s absorbed powers from the stone, but her powers are now her own. Maybe...?

I always love these debates about who should REALLY win in a fight between two comic book characters. Comic book characters strength is entirely dependent on who’s writing- there isn’t some baseline, “true” level that they can be compared against. Even the formal strength levels that Marvel puts out are subject to

This theory is giving an awful lot of credit to Hulk’s (not Banner’s...Hulk’s) strategic fighting style and spatial awareness. This is a guy who in the very last fight scene he was in at the end of Thor: Ragnarok jumped up to attack a fire monster who was the size of a mountain, and justified it by saying “BIG

She’s powered by the tesserect if I’m not mistaken.

“Also.... I kind of think that if your enjoyment of stories or media is so completely dependent on ‘surprise’ ... you have remedial work to do”

“(my question is, don’t you normally enjoy it more the second time? There is a reason for that).”

“Should you be universally condemned without actually going through due process.”

This is bizarre. You say we should judge him as a freelancer looking for the best gig, but then imply that nobody can opine on whether he actually got the best gig. He’s not a traitor, he’s just a guy looking for the best job. But we can still look at what he actually got out of his actions and say whether or not his