
Just realized I said “final episode” when it’s the penultimate episode *facepalm*

Did it occur to you that using a pro bodybuilder supplementing with steroids to increase his T levels and performance was maybe an intentional choice to support his underlying thesis?

Agreed- the conclusion is a logical hypothesis being put forth in response to the available evidence, both scientific and otherwise. Pretending like he’s just saying that because he wants to discriminate against one particular runner is ridiculous.

“These efforts to “protect” women mean the times they run in mixed-gender competition aren’t considered Olympic qualifying times. In mixed events, women can paced by men who run faster, which could help women outpace their usual times.”

I found it interesting that the article itself discusses why whiter cultures haven’t presented athletes with these issues- namely, the medical treatment of these individuals at a young age to suppress this advantage. To then say “they’re not applying this to white athletes b/c they’re just biased against black

“In other words, while seeking to prove that women with naturally high testosterone have an unfair advantage over their competitors, Bermon admits no one has actually studied the effects of testosterone on women’s athletic performance. Instead, he assumes that because female athletes have used synthetic testosterone,

It’d been a while since a read a full Bernie Bro rant. Thanks for reminding me of what made his supporters in 2016 so obnoxious.

I always roll my eyes at Bernie supporters bias towards him. He didn’t invite a celebrity to speak, and that’s a sign of how he’s really not picking people for political gain. Except for the fact that him choosing the union guy to speak gets him a huge amount of political capital with his supporters! It’s one of his

I was blown away by just how well written and choreographed everything was in the final episode. The way they took down the vampires in the anteroom, and the way they had to build and work together to take on Dracula, and the way Dracula’s arc was completed so perfectly was just masterful. Not to mention that the

Absolutely! It was just left vague and unexplained. All we know is that he ends up dead at some point. That whole subplot was handled very poorly I thought.

I wanted to know that to! Last we saw, Tom had pinned him down at gunpoint, but then the next day the cops went to the hotel and it just looked like the room had been ransacked- they didn’t know where he went, and we didn’t find out he was dead until a later timeline. So who killed him? I don’t see Tom doing it, so

I completely agree about the length. For what the show was, it could’ve been 4 episodes. For what they could have turned it into, they needed 10 episodes. So many things weren’t fully explored which, if examined in more depth, could’ve made the show great, necessitating more episodes. But if they weren’t going to give

I think you’re grasping here. The actor that plays Mike Ardoin was born in 1974- he looked about as old as a guy born around that time would look because that’s how old he really he is (he’s actually a few years older than Mike would have been in 2015). Junius seemed to be clearly moving slower and look older than he

I agree that there’s a lot of things that weren’t done perfectly, but I think those are just flaws and tropes that the show used. Bending over backwards to find explanations for why it was REALLY an intentional choice seems like a more complicated explanation than necessary. It opened to the exact right page because

Except he’s explicitly NOT an unreliable narrator....

I have issues with a lot of those things as well. The one thing I’ll say is that the show’s creator explicitly addressed the unreliable narrator questions and said the following:

I am familiar with an unreliable narrator, but that’s not what this show was. The contention that that’s whats going on doesn’t make sense given that much of the show was told from someone other than Wayne’s point of view. It’s not an unreliable narrator situation. Once you start seeing Roland’s, or Tom’s, or

Are they also going to change the Flash’s running visual to look less goofy? He looks like a happy cartoon character jaunting around the neighborhood whenever you see his limbs actually moving.

It’s worth noting that the Alexa integration of the newer Sonos Ones is TERRIBLE. I have two, and I literally went out and bought a Echo Dot to use on them instead of relying on the integrated Alexa features. The Sonos never hears me, frequently loses its internet connection/alexa connection, hears the wrong words,

It’s worth noting that the Alexa integration of the newer Sonos Ones is TERRIBLE. I have two, and I literally went

Agreed. There was a tremendous amount of time spent on things that ended up being utterly meaningless, only to have the actual events of the central mystery be explained by a 5 minute speech with flashbacks that was given by a character we had seen for all of 15 seconds over the course of the first 7 episodes.