
It’s easy to find if you search for it. Twitter is made up of a bunch of people, this doesn’t really mean anything.

LOL you went from tough to ‘s-s-s-so sorry, Mr. Writer’ in like 4 seconds.

Why do you always answer statements with exclamation points? Just curious!


Wow that’s interesting and really helpful to the discussion

We get it, dude. You’re a Columbus resident. #HighStreetHistorian #Columbus #GoBucks #MadYuppie

Wow bro so fuckin’ edgy

Why can’t you type out ‘pretty’?

Whoa you answered succinctly which means you’re serious.


“predictably” smug

Whoa he’s an asshole to animals, that probably means he raped and murdered someone huh!

Wow hot take, Mr. Sanders

Does your dad know you’re using his laptop

DAE Gronk is dumb! LOL

DAE hate this Sports Personality? LOL he sucks yet I know a lot about his show!!!!11111

What kind of candy

Are you still a caddy? Because you write long, run-on sentences that leads me to believe you have never left the greens

Men don’t matter

Scorched me with this #BoldTake