Cool thanks for making this about yourself
Cool thanks for making this about yourself
Nobody treats tweets and “non tweets” like the Bible, you’re silly and disingenuous
LOL what
Oh jesus shut up
“Organized religion” didn’t force Prince not to get surgery. He made that choice.
This is Deadspin/Gawker, it’s always the Big Bad Business
Right but UFC is also not being as unreasonable as suggested in the article by asking him to do the things he agreed to do.
You’re a high-and-mighty Internet Commenter, so I guess everyone is a loser here, no?
You’re equating Big Fucking Macs with alcohol and drugs?
Does Burneko make me want to read a way-too-long #HotMusing on the media? (No.)
You mean it will not hurt the real Nascar of course. The shrinking attendance and sponsor flight will bring Nascar back to it’s roots eventually if not reversed. Those roots, the real Nascar is embedded geographically and demographically in the confederate states. The fans see no problem with the rebel flag and 43…
How come you always try to write Matt Taibbi-like insults in every story? Get your own shtick, bub, other than “Name, a (‘hilarious’ insult)“
You are one pathetic loser
Imagine what Deadspin could do if it wrote TL;DR’s about actual important stuff, not someone else’s reporting!
Like a Gawker intern
Deadspin lecturing about journalism… oh, that’s rich!
Why do you always answer statements with exclamation points? Just curious!
Your last paragraph isn’t a bad description of Deadspin. The in-jokey, groupthink stuff in particular.