Also, several readers have reached out to me to suggest I watch previous seasons before I review this show. To them and anyone else who feels this way, I politely say...fuck no. That is not the point of this series! Thank you.
Also, several readers have reached out to me to suggest I watch previous seasons before I review this show. To them and anyone else who feels this way, I politely say...fuck no. That is not the point of this series! Thank you.
Happens to women all over the world all the time.
You mean like Carrie?
I didn’t read the article only the title, but from that I can glean its central argument. If there is any case that proves it it would be this one. She is so scared that she blocks him at the door and then proceeds to ask where he lives and the FOLLOWS HIM INTO THE CONFINED SPACE OF AN ELEVATOR and up to the place…
I mean if the PD started arresting every white person who filed a false report they’d lose their last remaining fanbase.
The only way Harry and Meghan would be “up at bat” is if all 3 of Will and Kate’s children die or abdicate themselves. Will abdicating wouldn’t remove his children from the line of succession. That’s why the (baseless) rumors about Charles abdicating place Will on the throne after the Queen dies and not his uncle…
I mean, Kate has produced THREE potential direct heirs, the crown is safe. Royal babies are always cute at weddings in a photographs, but Meghan really didn’t have to worry about carrying on the bloodline.
I don’t know what they would have done at the time, other than counting his sperm? Oh God, they totally counted his sperm, didn’t they.
Maybe for Kate - unlikely for Meghan. At the point of the Meghan/Harry wedding, all three of William/Kate’s kids would need to die without producing heirs for the crown to pass to Harry’s bloodline. I guess it’s possible, but the odds are so remote it seems silly to even ponder it.
Henry VIII certainly had a method for dealing with infertility.
I imagine she’ll come out with something like, “Meghan said when she was a teen that she wanted me to be godmother to her children someday and now she’s going back on her word because she thinks she’s better than me and everyone else”.
Her half-sister is gonna be so pissed off about this.
Yeah, I’m not really a fan of either of them, but when you have an adult making a sexual comment to a child there is only one person in the wrong... And sometimes victims of sexual harassment/assault do find “weird” ways of bringing it up, whether it be jokes or something else, because it’s not a topic our culture is…
Yeah, I found Whoopi to be the weird one here. (Not that I’m a fan of Neil [anymore] — Ashley’s linked article notes the fucking horrible Amy Winehouse cake he had at a party three months after she died. That pretty much soured me on him forever.)
That is a strange article, like it almost sounds like we’re supposed to feel bad that Whoopi was put in an awkward situation for making a very inappropriate remark to a child? If the genders were reversed, I think we would be treating this differently.
But he replaces himself in a lot of movies. Rebecca Hall served as his proxy in Vicky Cristina Barcelona, Sean Penn did it in Sweet and Lowdown. I haven’t seen enough his recent work to really flesh out this list, but of those I have seen, he’s got a recognizable proxy in each one.
“I cannot deny that women made a great achievement over [the] past century, there is significant progress recorded by people who study women status throughout history. This is naturally reflected on women in the west who will not be satisfied unless they gain the rights they deserve to the society. This is…
I was a caregiver for ten years. Sorry, but no one wants to see film scenes about the stress and complexity of tending to and arranging your life around a loved one. It’s not the stuff of movies.