

Truth. I and the women in my life routinely use “it’s fine” as a phrase that means “it’s absolutely not fine, but it’s not worth the drama that the truth will bring up.”

I cringed so hard watching that exchange yesterday. And while he SHOULD apologize, his apology came after a 15 minute break where someone probably coached him, and made him out to be an upstanding guy. It glosses over the original exchange where he was totally out of line and frankly, extremely immature. He was trying

He’s 56, btw. (Since the age of the woman he knocked up is listed, I figured this was relevant.)

Oh my God, yes.  $20k a month is more than enough for anyone, particularly since he doesn’t even have full custody.

Re: Kevin Federline seeking more money for child support isn’t he a) going to be in a for a rude awakening once his kids grow up and b) he must be terrible at managing his money.

He looked pretty freelance to me. So yeah, a stalker, trying to make a buck.

In an astonishing display of restraint, here’s nine-months-pregnant Hilary Duff politely asking her stalker, whom she addresses as “sir” while he is idling in a residential driveway next to her car, to please stop following her to her son’s soccer game, her errand runs, and her sister’s house.

The only thing celebrities line up for, in my opinion, is a job that includes a lot of promotional work. I’ve seen lots of famous people but wouldn’t have dreamt of even asking for an autograph unless they were at an event where that was expected much less followed them to get their picture. This is not okay and I

I honestly think that the failure of everyone to protect is worse. I was progressing well dealing with memories of abuse but completely lost it when I realized no one in my family believed me/cared. 

According to what I’ve read so far, the teacher and at least one police transcript indicated that what happened isn’t legally defined as abuse under state law (and I truly believe he KNEW this), yes? I’ll look these up again since it was late at night, but I got the impression that more than one person did want to

What really broke my heart was how his actions were consistently short of prosecutable, and he apparently knew what he could get away with under the law. According to the accounts I’ve read, it appeared that some of those trying to help were frustrated they couldn’t do so in a manner that would result in proper

Everyone failed this girl because he was an “important person,” fuck all of them. I hope she is on the path to recovery and far away from every single person that contributed to this.

Her uncle contacted the local police and county sheriff’s offices, which launched an investigation but closed it after two months”

Love to see these fuckers outed. If every man’s dirty secret was exposed, society as we know it would implode. We have a way of life built on the tacit agreement that we protect male sexual predators.

Yeah, I imagine she’s been estranged from her family. She spent her childhood telling everyone about this and nothing ever came of it.

Hope is great and all, nice to see some optimism. But the judge can make SURE it doesn't happen again by locking him up until he's too old and decrepit to strangle another person

Wtf. How the fuck is he not a registered sex offender??? This is rage inducing.

he “hopes it doesn’t happen again.”

I’m disappointed. I would watch the hell out of Eugenie’s wedding. Maybe E! will pick it up for the US.