
God, yes. She seems so head-firmly-on-shoulders about all this. I’ve been dealing with an alcoholic my entire life and still cannot figure out how to do anything other than enable or estrange. Al Anon is not for me, and therapy is pretty hit-or-miss on this stuff. I just want to sit her down and be like, SERIOUSLY HOW

I never had much of an opinion about Jennifer Garner (aside from thinking she was pretty and being irrationally envious of her getting to kiss Mark Ruffalo), but I’m starting to think that she is an amazing mother.

It’s best for her kids if he’s healthy, so she’s going to try to help that become true. I get it.

Three kids, though... I hope they appreciate what mom did to support dad’s sobriety all these years.

It’s hard when he’s your kids’ dad.

I mean, I’ve seen, and dealt with, some that were basically structured to take all your money and keep you in that overdraft spiral, but eleven hundred overdrafts?? NOBODY “accidentally” fucks up that many times.

“Duncan for his part has maintained his innocence, and, through a spokesperson, told CNN that he believes the charges against him and his wife are “purely politically motivated.””

Fun non-criminal but definitely dumb Duncan Hunter fact: In the indictment, he’s quoted as saying “Tell the Navy they can go fuck themselves.”

Lloyd argued that women shouldn’t have sex if they’re not prepared to give birth:

I lost all three of my pets within a two year period. I have a friend who lost both her cats to illness and accidents and then two adoptees - including a kitten - to illness one after the other within a 4 month period. That’s just life, and pets sadly live very short lives to begin with.

Nah, the worst one was when Stassa Edwards posted a photo of Julia Louis Dreyfus at an awards show and speculated that JLD was being bitchy and rolling her eyes at Kate Mckinnon. Just wild theories pulled out of Edwards’s ass, and presented with a very unpleasant tone. It was like Infowars, but with “women are always

This article is just wrong. Please rethink the tone in which you choose to write about people’s pets dying. It’s not funny and trying to be clever about it is just mean.

So the Lamby thing was fucked up. You are always supposed to return a rescue to the rescue facility, or rehome the pet with their involvement. But this is totally different, and is so unbelievably callous. An old dog died. That's pretty normal. I'm also grossed out. 

It’s just unnecessarily nasty. Why? Why would anybody write this about anyone? Are clicks really that important? It’s gross gross gross and they should feel bad about publishing this. 

Wow, I don’t know if it’s the recent turnover in writers, but more and more I find myself really surprised at the tone of Jezebel’s articles. This is extremely unnecessary, and I hope you’re never confronted by something like this when you ultimately lose a loved one.

You know what, I don’t get outwardly pissed at Jezebel or individual writers very often, but this whole article and it’s not-so-subtle subtext is horrible. It’s disgusting and y’all should be ashamed.

I just had 2 pets die in a 2 week time span for completely unrelated reasons. When you own a lot of animals, eventually they are going to die. This seems like fishing for a headline in a really gross way.

And you know this how?

three decades ago

And Babe: Pig in the City :(