I’m kind of amazed Trump has speech writers
I’m kind of amazed Trump has speech writers
Not here to stand on the side of dipshit white nationalists, but Heidegger’s writings were extremely influential in philosophy circles. He WAS a Nazi member...that’s not in dispute. But it’s not so straightforward to just say he was some nationalist and purist. History and people are considerably more complicated than…
Just a point of technicality, he was not a professor at Duke, but a “visiting lecturer”, which is the title given to folks with doctorates who are hired for temporary faculty positions without the prospect of tenure.
Maybe Keanu and Winona not knowing they were meant to be together set us on this, the darkest timeline.
Cinema Snob saw it so he could review it. It was not a positive review.
sorry to nitpick but his name is actually Codi (pronounced co-dee) and they just call him Co-die as a fun little nickname. i hate myself
Foraging can be dangerous when done by novices. So, yes. I expect people to do their jobs even with a “celebrity” cookbook.
She’s an instagram forager. If that phrase alone doesn’t scare you far, far away, then I can’t help you.
Safe wild mushrooms can make people sick if they’re not properly cooked. The ones she had for her recipes needed to be cooked. I wonder who checks to make sure the recipes are safe. Especially for her cookbook since it involves people foraging for plants to eat. You want to make sure the information is accurate.
Eh, my baby was cut out of my abdomen and I wasn’t present. Anesthesia sucks. For like, 12 hours, missing it was The Worst Thing Ever.
good god this is inane. having been present for the births of both of my children, missing them would not have been The Worst Thing Ever, and could be made up easily through the mandatory decades of subsequent parenting.
Every once in a while I consider joining Nextdoor or getting on the neighborhood list serv to meet new neighbors and get to know them better. Then I read something like this and remember that I'm fine with a head nod when we're bringing the garbage cans in together being the extent of our relationship.
The last question is the most important one.
I do not understand.
yeah, Gypsy is considered a slur. Worse, “gypped” as in cheated, is still broadly used.
Jesus wept. This is awful cooking advice. People want a burger that is juicy and flavourful. Not bland and wet, which is what’s being advocated here. These are hamburgers. Cooking 101. You do not need to “hack” a burger. Buy good ground meat with adequate fat, form the patties, sprinkle with salt and pepper, put ‘em…
An ice cube will not make a burger moist. An ice cube will make a burger wet. Wet, and flavourless. You need fat because fat gives you moisture and flavour.
Yeah or just use the right fat blend and cook it at the correct temperature. We don’t need a hack for burgers, burgers are simple. If your burgers come out dry you’re cooking it incorrectly.