
“I did it for the economy, we needed a change.”

What confuses me are the people who are like, “I thought he wouldn’t really do those things.”

Words cannot describe my annoyance at these people who are surprised that Trump is doing all these things that he was obviously going to do. I feel sorry for the guy and his kids, but fuck this lady. Especially since she was also an undocumented immigrant! WTF LADY!

The economy? Sounds like they weren’t doing so bad personally. So she voted to fuck herself over for a bunch of people she probably doesn’t even know? Or, more realistically, they were doing okay but somehow thought that they were magically going to be become rich under Trump.

What infuriates me is that what she learned from all of this is that she thinks she shouldn’t have voted at all. Really? With hindsight, you don’t wish you had exercised your right to vote for someone whose administration probably wouldn’t have ended up encouraging the type of ICE deportations that resulted in tearing

“I did it for the economy. We needed a change.”

I feel bad for him. But her? Screw that. She should have listened to him more carefully, or, you know, not drunk the Kool-Aid and done some research. The only good thing to come of this is that maybe, just maybe, people like this will turn on him in 2020.

I am SO ANGRY I will name a park full of animals for ALL OF THE THINGS THAT I HATE.

Wait wait-so this jackass wants to deny the zoo tax money because the city of St. Louis allows human women to have abortions. A subject that is completely unrelated to the zoo.

as a trained allergist, you’d think he’d spend a little less time on the senate floor and a little more time trying to figure out why women’s reproductive rights make him so sick.

Is he suggesting that’s a bad name? I’d visit the fuck out of that place


Yeah, one thing I’ve learned as I’ve grown older - you should go to funerals of people you know whenever it’s not a major inconvenience (though if they’re really close, then you go anyway). Their families really appreciate it. If you “don’t do” funerals, you need to get over yourself - nobody fucking likes them.

This is how that article starts:

This is a factually incorrect statement. I personally know at least 200 people who are far worse writers than Bill Simmons. You never met my 3 year old cousin who can’t even spell her own fucking name. Backwards “Rs” are unprofessional. Her name doesn’t even have an R in it. The fuck is that. So that’s one worse

Bill Simmons ranted about Jessica Simpson like a drunk best friend talking shit about your ex-gf to make you feel like you made the right decision. Kirby Puckett with boobs line is ridiculous.

Glad Mel B’s getting herself free. What a piece of trash her ex is.

I would love the chance to feud with Susan Sarandon, to throw a drink in her face and tell her to sit her privileged ass down and stop telling me that it’s great that I’m now so “energized.” Our feud would most definitely start with me saying, “Fuck you, Susan Sarandon,” and it would just all go downhill from there.

Apparently, lol. What’s bizarre too is that way back when, he complained to me that his ex (the 12 year one who supposedly shaves every day) never, ever used lotion. Like, what kind of oil factory of skin are you living in that you can shave every day and never need lotion?! Even in the summer time, that would turn me