If I scrubbed everything down, every time I showered, I would peel my skin off in sheets at least once a week.
If I scrubbed everything down, every time I showered, I would peel my skin off in sheets at least once a week.
I was totally ‘to each their own’ until you said you wash half your body twice. You lost all credibility at that point.
Schadenfreude is taking pleasure in the suffering of others, shade is giving an insult in such an indirect and offhanded fashion as to leave people in doubt as to whether or not the insult was intended or even given at all. How could one throw shade through schadenfreude?
Nooo, you can’t be real, can you? Judge Brown has ruled. Not Shade, my dear sir.
This is an embarrassing look for you.
It was so terrible as a sentence that even had it been shade it would still be a violation of the English language. So. There’s that.
Did you read the article? It’s because not everyone has the same skin. If I did what you’re describing, my skin would be red and dry and itchy. Your post sounds very judgemental.
You get in the shower, you scrub (scrub!) everything down, from head to toe
Precisely! Duvet covers are a BITCH and I am not about to deal with them if I can help it. I change my sheets weekly, and having a flat sheet makes that process far less of an ordeal.
What you’re describing sounds more like a psychological condition than a bathing routine.
My bf told me last night that I am the only woman he’s ever been with who doesn’t shave her legs (or more sensitive bits) every day. I was like, uhhh, either that chick was crazy/had the least sensitive skin known to woman/is neurotic about shaving, or the ones you weren’t living with and didn’t see everyday just…
Exfoliating daily for some is not an option when you have sensitive skin.
And if you don’t eat your meat, you can’t have any pudding! How can you have any pudding if you don’t eat your meat?
There’s a lot of things that are easy, but also pointless.
I’m so confused by the no-flat-sheet approach. I know what a duvet cover is, but do people really want to have to wash it as often as sheets need washing? Those things are a pain in the ass to put back on. A flat sheet is so much easier!
This is great time of year for this article. I’ve got some pinkish skin in the winter (I’ve got red hair and freckles like my avatar) and here up north the air is awful dry still.
Pre-20th century we’d all be bathing once a week, maybe, in shared family bath water and/or the pond. I’m sure the bulk of disease back then was spread by leg-to-leg and sneeze-to-leg contact. Sad!
“How often you wash the rest of your body depends upon your skin type and level of activity.”