
Was never a fan of her, but I proudly voted for her, and whenever I stop and think about how things went down I get really angry. Especially in light of this Russia bullshit.

It was, and extra points to Emma Thompson for calling her “exquisite.”

Drinking a martini, wearing a tiara. She is everything I aspire to be

I bet one of Annette’s Hollywood friends called her: “Hon, your husband is walking around the party with two envelopes, harassing everyone about how it’s not his fault.”

“I have done nothing wrong.” Words Beatty has surely used frequently throughout his storied life.

Joe Manganiello is hounded by the paparazzi more because of Sofia Vergara, but he says she’s worth all the trouble.

Approaching a girl you liked was so much easier in the 80's.

There are plenty of people who are in the agriculture business that are neither stupid nor hicks. Nunes is no doubt an idiot for many other reasons, however.

Sally Yates needs a Nobel Peace Prize if she brings this administration down. Also, I can see some definite anxiety disorder, and if Nunes is wishing he’s in Fresno, shit must be pretty bad, because I’m pretty sure no one wants to be in Fresno.

His personal wealth is heavily backed by Russian oligarchs. That’s what’s wrong with him.

Roger Stone’s testimony outfit will make all of this worth it

He has a standing Wednesday appointment for that already.

Somebody needs to crush that old fuck.

I take melatonin when I’m on a bad sleep stretch and I ALWAYS have very vivid celebrity dreams. Last week I dreamt that Ron Swanson was building me a table. The dream was very detailed, we talked back and forth about specifications and went to the lumber store. I woke up tired, that dream was hard work.

McCain is a paper tiger.

The warring factions in the GOP is seriously giving me life right now.

No stamina, sad.

Man, Paul Ryan is so close to getting his “fuck the poor, cut taxes on the rich” agenda pushed through, and now he is stumbling at the one yard line.

To be clear, this guy isn’t a politician.

R u sure? Have you tried having sex with a cake? That’s what he’s advocating as a replacement for same sex relations right?