Donald: this is the deal, take it or leave it!
Donald: this is the deal, take it or leave it!
They can all point the finger at the other guy, say they tried, and keep the legislation that their constituents hate in name but love in practice.
A few pundits had speculated that the divisions within the Republican party would actually flare up if they managed to get a Republican into the White House, and that would be more damaging to them in the long run than if they lost the 2016 election.
Never stop reminding Republicans that they had 7 years to come up with a replacement. 7 years.
What’s hilarious about all of this is that if you take him at his word (i.e. that Obamacare is a horrible system that is hurting people), then he’s essentially willing to saddle America with terrible healthcare out of SPITE.
how you gonna threaten me with a gift, don?
You can still be pretty disgusted that the executive level has this self-congratulatory tone every time they do something they know will fuck over the lower-level workers.
This is why I hate the idea of running the government like a business. Businesses only care about what’s best for those of us who will remain (and own shares). The US couldn’t just unload an underperforming state to another nation. The US can’t ‘downsize’.
But the rich guy is alright, right? He’ll be okay? Please god, tell us he’ll pull through this.
Having had this particular kind of food poisoning, I can only advise that refrigerating your left over rice is a small price to pay. I have literally never been that sick before. And added bonus, it stuck with me as intermittent vertigo for months. Because that’s apparently a thing that can happen. Fucking…
I mean you’re free to handle/store your rice however you want. I know a few people who’ve been taken down by Bacillus cereus and it sucked.
Wait wait wait wait what?
I think that movie is silly in general and the cue card scene is one of the worst things ever done in an allegedly romantic movie ... and somehow the trailer STILL made me want to see the special.
Actually, Bill Nighy is the one that has aged the best. Obviously.
But there are no details aside from needing to return food 5 times. Was the food too cold? Too hot? Meat, when it should be vegetarian? Hair in the soup? Were there cockroaches? Too much sun shining through the window and blinding her? Why is the manager terrible? Did he punch her? Was the bathroom dirty? Did the…
No lie, that sounds like Donald Trump tweeting from Deeley’s account.